Organizing the NethServer Conference 2019 📅

Last year in Italy was amazing. Really!
I think that the best venue for the next Conference should be Bruxelles, close to Fosdem.


  • Many of us are going to be there anyway
  • It’s easier to reach than Riccione
  • We can combine the Conference experience with the Fosdem vibe

I am just wondering if we can find a place in Bruxelles ( hotel? conference room?) and stay there all day. Saturday could be a good option.

In a nuthsell:

  • Sat 2 Feb: NethServer Conference at Fosdem + dinner
  • Sat-Sun 2-3 Feb: Fosdem

That’s a draft of our agenda

What do you think? Let’s discuss

  • I’ll be there, definitely
  • I gonna miss you guys
0 voters

@ambassadors_group @dev_team and others


I would love to have a whole day of NethServer communty prior to Fosdem!!
But keep in min dthat CentOS dojo is also friday before Fosdem in Brussels. However, I would choose nethserver community before CentOS dojo anytime

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will be nice to get a NS event :slight_smile:

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By the way, what does it take to organize such a conference locally?

maybe after the main conference later might look into organizing such one here in Kenya.


Organize a meetup locally is always an option. Let me know how I can help


Bruxelles is much easier to reach for me, but Riccione is much more pretty.
I would prefer Riccione, but I would also be glad to see you and to speak with you in Bruxelles.


I live in Brussels and would be happy to participate in my own town of course.

Take care, the Amadeus closed it’s doors ! Looks like their sense of hygien wasn’t to the taste of the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain :joy:


uh!! That’s a sad news

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Just bumping 'cos I am eager to have a next Community Conference. @alefattorini, do you have a status update?
Any tasks that already can/must be filled?


we need conferences
time to collect topics and attendees @alefattorini

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Absolutely. We gonna make it.
Let’s collect topics and attendees @ambassadors_group @education_team @docs_team @dev_team @transocean

I will look for a room :slight_smile:


Arm support, Samba “BDC”, Cockpit2, Live Upgrade, nethserver-docker 

And governance!

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I think MANY topics have been discussed in these forums already and a lot of them can use some more in dept interpretation and explanation.
My personal topic would be education and educational applications integrated in NethServer.

My other topic would be social media. Social in italics since I don’t think the way Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google etc
 implement the social part is FAR from social.

A few weeks ago @mrmarkuz created a howto to install Diaspora* on NethServer. Since then I became more active on Diaspora* and in the Diaspora* community and I think we should strive to support free and privacy friendly social media solutions preferably with NethServer as a base.

Just before the summer started I was very busy with Community Governance. Due to personal circumstances I wasn’t able to finish this. Maybe we can put it on the agenda for the Community Conference as a topic to officially adopt the Community Governance. In that case we have a few months to come to a final structure how the NethServer Community Governance should look like.


Just opened a poll so we can count the attendees

Do you have any proposal for a speech? Please add here an title and a possibile abstract
@edoardo_spadoni @giacomo developing on cockpit?
@filippo_carletti future of NethServer?
@syntaxerrormmm ??
@stephdl how to develop on nethserver
@mrmarkuz how to move your first steps on dev and modules
@dnutan @m.traeumner how to be a support rockstar
@danb35 how to write a stellar howto
@mark_nl working on arm

Are you gonna be there?
@pagaille @flatspin @thorsten @ambassadors_group @rgmhtt @Kirk_macdonald @Thierry_Harribey @fausp @LayLow @saitobenkei @transocean @andy @pa3hfj @ElementZero @pike @bobtskutter @des @AndreLinux @pa3hfj @iglqut @xcod @Juliano_Elias @happnatious1 @Crazyusb @Krajczar_Jeno @jose_manuel_Insausti @bwdjames


I would like to attend the class ‘Commercial opportunities with Nethrserver’ :slight_smile:

I used to work for a large vendor and the sales and marketing manager would always attend such conventions with interesting programs, use cases and business opportunities.

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sorry, I wont be attending. Thanks for the invite.

I will be there, let me think about the topic of my conference

Hi Alessio, I’d like to be there, but business doesn’t allow

But that’s not a sad thing, because business is running on high level. :wink:

Have a good time in Bruxelles all together!

Thanks for the invitation. But I can not attend. Have fun and enjoy the time.



I’ll try but can’t say “yes of course” at this time