I can help in other tthings, like testing or trying new features.
Good! What do you think about a QA/Testing team?
QA fixed issues, testing new modules, etc…
I can also help with testing
@mabeleira @vcc you can start from this:
guess @giacomo will be happy to help you
Take a look at this post for more info
I tried to test but I doing something wrong as I can not install the packages ( No package nethserver-tomcat-1.0.0-1.1.g11921d7.ns6.noarch.rpm available.
Error: Nothing to do )
I followed the info from [this post][1] to install the testing repo
[1]: Dashboard link status always OK? - #6 by alefattorini
sure will test it today.
Try with this
yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing install nethserver-tomcat
I’ve found a RPM for Tomcat 7 directly from EPEL, so please stand by with the testing…I’m trying to understand if we can support the new release
Just updated Tomcat to release 7: http://dev.nethserver.org/issues/3132.
Ready for testing!
I will test today
It’s very important. Go with it
YES we’re ready!!
Testing Team Badge Created it will be assigned next night
Coordinators: @vcc
Members: http://community.nethserver.org/groups/testing_team/members
Goals: QA fixed issues, testing new modules, etc…
Workspaces: http://dev.nethserver.org/projects/nethserver/issues?query_id=27 and http://community.nethserver.org/tags/testing
Requirements for new members: Verified at least an issue (like @dz00te http://dev.nethserver.org/issues/3193#note-6)
Is there a document to explain the testing process?
Nope, we should write it down. Maybe our new Testing Team could help with it, right?
I wrote something here: Dashboard link status always OK? - #8 by alefattorini
Already tested and reported to Giacomo
I would like to help, but would like to view a roadmap / projected development schedule and / or testing - QA procedure documentation.
@giacomo will try to keep you updated on this.
Take a look at some details here:
You’re welcome, just added you to the team.
Please, get start from this http://dev.nethserver.org/projects/nethserver/issues?query_id=27
Let’s choose an issue and follow test cases!
Woah, a lot of work here!!
@vcc you’re a great Testing Team coordinator! Take a look at this guy!
Please write a simple document to explain the testing process as suggested above!