Zabbix and mrmarkuz repo testing



Just for info: The “vacumeing” took about 12 h… The database is still the same size, but at least now, it IS cleaned up. Verified that with PHP-PGadmin…

It’s now doing a dump of that 30+ GB Database.

Next steps would be delete the DB and recreate with same user and perms, and restoring the dump.

As the dump is so big, I can’t use phppgadmin for that, it times out way too soon!
I’m doing the dump to a local folder, that should also speed up the restore using just CLI…

Backup dump finished:

Before cleanup, dump size = 16 GB (!)
After Cleanup, dump size 200 MB

We’re getting there!
(The database in PG still uses 16 GB as shown by NethServer Diskusage…)

Will keep you updated.


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I can claim success:

  • Zabbix still working
  • Database massive downsized: 62 GB -> 380 MB (!)

Need to finish off the docu.

Here are the facts:

Before shrinking

After shrinking

As Zabbix wasn’t running to monitor, NethServer has to supply the df proof:

Zabbix working…

Will finish the docs tomorrow, when I’ve upgraded my caffein level… :slight_smile:



Before and after: same picture…



Here is a simple gimmick, easily addable to zabbix on NethServer:

A swiss railway clock, much better readable than the provided one.
This is based on:

Basically I stuffed the prepared SVG file into Nethservers html folder, and refer to that in the url. As Zabbix and NethServer are on the same server, this isn’t an issue, it would not even be if run of a different web-server…

A gimmick, but thought you might like it: The ÖBB clock or DB version can also be set, if you prefer a “Wiener” ambiente… :slight_smile:


I also use this im my Home Assistant setup (HASSio)…


Nice, I am going to implement it in next module release.



You can grab my customized one from here:


This can be placed - unpacked - in any web accessible folder. SVG isn’t fussy!
Refer to the individual html files, or directly to the SVG.

See also here:


Hi Markus,

Just received an email from Zabbix:

Getting closer to the next Zabbix LTS release. Zabbix 5.0.0beta1 version is out!

Then on the same email:

(Zabbix + Zammad): Zammad is a free open source, a fully-featured web-based ticketing system for helpdesk or customer support. This guide describes how to integrate your Zabbix 5.0 installation with Zammad and provide instructions on setting up a media type, a user, and an action in Zabbix.

I clicked the link:

This guide describes how to integrate your Zabbix 5.0 installation with Zammad using the Zabbix webhook feature. This guide will provide instructions on setting up a media type, a user and an action in Zabbix.

It should be a nice mix !

What do you think about this ?




Zabbix can have a lot of Webhooks, depending on what and who uses what…

Jira is also an active subject here in this platform.

according to

My 2 cents


Combining Zabbix/Zammad is a nice feature.
I assume preconfiguring both should be possible at least by editing the databases.
Should it be done automatically when both apps are installed or is there a reason to keep them separated?
What about integrating LDAP/AD to both Zammad and Zabbix so a member of the “support” group can access zabbix and zammad? Actually both apps run “next” to Nethserver.

Great! As regards Nethserver I think mattermost and even telegram are interesting for preconfiguration.



Maybe also Discord / Jira?

I don’t use them (yet), but I also can’t tell you what the weather will be like next week… :slight_smile:

My 2 cents

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I think these are separate apps, so we may think about integrating them to Nethserver first.

For jira a feature request already exists.

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Hi Markus,

It looks like Zammad need a lot of memory, so if it is included with a webhook like André wrote, maybe it will take less memory all together. I don’t know enough about that. But since it will be only with Zammad 5, we need to wait for the final release…

For LDAP/AD, I think that you already worked a lot on those, so if all is integrated together on a single NethServer it will be quite a feature for NS.

I am working on translation for Zammad as the fr_FR or fr_CA is quite awfull as it looks like it is directly from Google translation and a lot of it is missing. Zammad should take .po/.mo instead of .yml as WordPress - it will be much easier for translation. Also a child theme will be the greatest think to do…

Also, the “black” theme is very hard to read. Yesterday, I was looking at the theme replacement and I think it doesn’t have other than the default one and I think one have to play with the css which is quite bad as it will be overwritten by updates.


P.S. I should have place my Zammad comments on the Zammad thread.

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Webhooking enables also using external / hosted services, or simply to connect to the app on the same server or installed in a VM right next to NethServer / Zabbix…

So a simple template integrated might be in order…
Mattermost & Zammad are clear candidates.

I’m not sure, but I think on a fresh 4.4 install, the templates are included.

My 2 cents

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I am afraid it’s not a simple template as in case of Zabbix I need to edit the database for changing the configuration.
I’d like to integrate all for maximum flexibiliy but I have to consider effort and simplicity (like 10 switches for enabling webhooks are not simple anymore) too. You are always able to do the configuration (3 steps) in the user interfaces.
I saw that many modern apps provide a lot of interfaces/webhooks, see matrix for example. Integrating them all is just not efficient IMO.
If we see that some addon is used/needed, I’m always open to integrate it.

Fully agree.

Mattermost seems supported in 4.4.


Hi all,

After all that time, Mattermost just hit me ! :boom:



I would like it in combination with Moodle/Bigbluebutton to get a private video conferencing and collaboration system.
Mattherhost has a Bigbluebutton integration

In the current time it would be important for me to become independent from Facetime, Zoom, Whatsapp,… and the other proprietary systems.

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That’s great! Bigbluebutton is on the wishlist, just a matter of time I guess.

I think I really should have a closer look at Mattermost, seems they have a lot of interfaces to other apps.

Another possibility is Matrix Synapse. It has many integrations too but It’s work in progress.
Mattermost already is a base package.

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After half a day I realize that te config of the database in the /var/lib/pgsql/12/data/pg_hba.conf have to be like this:

“local” is for Unix domain socket connections only

local all all peer

IPv4 local connections:

host all all md5

The contrib is working, I´ll will probe the Zabbix 5.0 in the testing environment this week.


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Check out the new package for testing.

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