Nethserver v7-Beta 2 runs on a PI

Mission for this week accomplished :smiley:

The latest Netserver v7-beta 2 runs on a PI.

@dz00te @jackyes @bwdjames

@alefattorini We need a new tag : v7-beta2-arm

EDIT: installation:


@mark_nl those are great news!!! Congratulations! :clap: :clap: :clap::clap:

Now I must change all the repository maintenance scripts to host the alternative architecture :cold_sweat:

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@mark_nl great work mate! iā€™ve been waiting forthis :raised_hands: :clap:
when you want, let me know how i can update my repo so i can play with my pi :wink:


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Nice! Until now it only the base, I add a few appā€™s and ill make a new tarball with a repo.
I renamed it to nethserver-arm

BTW itā€™s aarch64 too


I donā€™t have a Raspberry Pi to try it, but this is an
Amazing contribution!!! :heart_eyes:

Fantastic!!! Good job :heart_eyes:

Hi @dz00te,

Progressing nicely, without major draw backs the repository is finished tomorrow.

Iā€™d like to prep nethserver-arm-release and nethserver-mock to work out of the box,
is this base url oke?


Really cool, does this require RPi3 or is a RPi2 ok too?

Yes itā€™s ok for me. Tnx

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It works on both, we still have to figure out the feasible applications/usage. Iā€™ll like to hear your opinion once it is out here.

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Well, sure thing, from my point of view, a RPi would be nice to have it work as an extension to a ā€œnormalā€ Nethserver server, since IMHO, I donā€™t think having your DHCP server, or whatever other crucial service that has to run h24 7/7, would be a good idea to run on a RPi.

What i mean is, just to make a few examples:

Nethserver has Zoneminder? Raspberry could be its cameras with the camera module

Nethserver has Guacamole installed? Raspberry could be a ThinClient with a OpenVPN client autostarting on boot, entering any remote desktop just with the browser

Nethserver has Asterisk? Raspberry could have it too and become a remote branch for small offices, connected over a IAX trunk to the main PBX

Nethserver has Adagios? Raspberry could be a remote probe to poll data from

These are just a few ideas, will be fun to play with it


Well, here it is:

In the ./nethserver-arm/7/updates is a hidden (.nethserver-arm-groups.xml) group file;
a simple and stupid script i use to create a (local) repo is:



#Handy for a local repository on a nethserver-7 virtual host
#chown -R ftp:apache $repo_path 

createrepo ${repo_path}base/armhfp/
createrepo ${repo_path}ns-epel/armhfp/
createrepo ${repo_path}testing/armhfp/
createrepo ${repo_path}updates/armhfp/
createrepo ${repo_path}builddep/armhfp/

createrepo ${repo_path}base/aarch64/
createrepo ${repo_path}ns-epel/aarch64/
createrepo ${repo_path}testing/aarch64/
createrepo ${repo_path}updates/aarch64/
createrepo ${repo_path}builddep/aarch64/

createrepo -g ${grouplist_path}.nethserver-arm-groups.xml ${repo_path}updates/armhfp/
createrepo -g ${grouplist_path}.nethserver-arm-groups.xml ${repo_path}updates/aarch64/

I wanted to write some release noteā€™sā€¦ iā€™m tired so tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Your ideas are great, but are those modules available in ARM yet? @nrauso

Some release noteā€™s to this Nethserver-7-beta2-arm-alpha1,

Once the public repositories are up thx to @dz00te

The installation is described in our wiki : ns-raspi

Donā€™t forget to put some beers in the fridge first , it takes a whileā€¦
If you like to test (and a little bit of geek like me) you can open a second terminal and do a
journalctl ā€“f to see the progress.

There is a lot of testing to be done;
until now only basic functional testing is done, especially:

  • Nextcloud, on armv7hl the dependency php-extras (and itā€™s builtrequires) had to be built from scratch. Iā€™v never used nextcould so have no clue about resource usage. Hope @jackyes can fill us in.
  • Mail-server and mail-filter are split, antivirus it an option now. Alpha2 learned the antivirus (ClamAV) uses to much memory. This is a bit of a gamble and has to tested.
    EDIT: Oops
  • Forgot to mention openvpn, did no testing at all :hushed: (except for installing)

The choice of packages available is mostly motivated by the fun-factor:

Why sould we do it? Because itā€™s possible!

@edi has good sugestion of feasible user cases;
but I have to say on my odroid-c2 (aarch64) it runs really snappy.

Have Fun :grinning:


repositories are up, thanks again @mark_nl :raised_hands:
just installed on a rpi2 as per wiki: all ok

if you have some ideas in how i can help in testing, let me knowā€¦

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Installing from your repoā€™s works like charm! :heart_eyes:

Well see edit:

IIRC you liked it the last time, so iā€™v put it in again.

i have no experience in creating rpm or the Centos build systemā€¦
Can someone point me in the right diretcion to start? (some how to, documentation, etc? :smiley:)

Nexcloud can be run without problem on a raspberry :wink:


I like the following

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Good to hear! Iā€™d kind of hoped (in time) you could test the nethserver-nextcloud app on v7-beta2-arm :grin:

Even better to read this! :raised_hands: Maybe I can help you, what are your intentions?

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