Hello Expert NethServer 8,
Could you provide detailed documentation on the installation and configuration process for Espo CRM in NethServer 8?
Hello Expert NethServer 8,
Could you provide detailed documentation on the installation and configuration process for Espo CRM in NethServer 8?
Hello @Ya_Ley.
According to this espocrm/espocrm: EspoCRM – Open Source CRM Application (github.com)
as well as the installation instructions form here: Installation - EspoCRM Documentation
EspoCRM is a standard PHP Application, Thats Also provides a Docker BAsed Installation instructions from.
That being said, there is 3 Ways you can achieve the deployment of EspoCRM into NS8.
PS: I am using a test Server, and thus i dont mind the url, credentials etc being exposed… you should be more keen on this one in a prod environment
The first one is through the Webserver Module, and MariaDB Available in the software Center, if you do not Have it installed yet.
After installation,
Configure db on the settings page
create a NEw Database named espocrm
Add new USer to the database, and grant necessary priviledges
Install Webserver
configure your webserver
Create a new VirtualHost for your website, choose php 8.3 as supported by the App
Once new virtualHost is created, you should be able to access the user Web interface as shown below
Accessing your New VirtualHost should give you a 403 forbidden as shown
Login to the USer Account:
and Upload your web files for Espoccrm
LAunch the web as configured in VirtualHost, and Follow instructions.
For me, i faced permission issues here
USing the provided Docker Run commands.
Go through the following, might provide a means to get things done.
NS8-Generic Containers-: Install Uptime-kuma - App - NethServer Community
A proper NS8 App, might be best option
I think we will look on to builing an ns8 app for that
Thank you so much @oneitonitram
i am going with Option1 , please help how to get root password for the DB and i also want to espo-crm integrate to NS8 LDAP
The we server module does not yet support exposing ldap for hosted apps. So if this is a need, an NS8 app will do better.
Login into the mariadb server via
ssh mariadb@localhost
Once you’ve done that run the command
runagent env
This should give you the details you need
thank you again but what is password (root password) for ssh mariadb@localhost?
It should not ask
@Ya_Ley I have made ESPOCRM ns8 module could you help me to test it
add-module ghcr.io/geniusdynamics/espocrm:latest 1
api-cli run update-module --data '{"module_url":"ghcr.io/geniusdynamics/espocrm:latest","instances":["espocrm1"],"force":true}'
I would appreciate you feed back
Here is the documentation to setup email
Thank you so much @kemboielvis22
add-module Package espocrm · GitHub 1
successfully … Looks good, it takes sometime to test and please help to integrate to the NS8 LDAP for user & group
According to the docs, there is no automated way to setup Ldap.
if you have links to documentations in the same, kindly share the notes.
From the settings menu, we can only see OIDC
All other options, Ldap, AD are not available.as dscribed here Authorization - EspoCRM Documentation
since its a prodcut youre more aware of, we might need your help on the configurations you ar einterested in.
You also have the option of installing Authentik or Zitadel
HAve them configured with NS8 Ldpa, and configure the OIDC of those SSO IDP to your espocrm,
If we dont find a way to setup Ldap, or if i was discontinued
which’s command for installation authentik?
Follow these isnructions to install our Repo GenForge modules index for NS8 | ns8-genforge (genius.ke)
After doing that, enable testing repo, and you should see authentik on the software center
hello @Ya_Ley could you kindly help us with testing the espocrm module kindly.