This howto is about installing Xerte Online Toolkits.
Get the zip file from the xerte homepage - I couldn’t wget it, maybe someone has a hint for me…I downloaded it on a client and uploaded to Nethserver.
# Install prerequisites, maybe some php dependencies are missing here...
yum -y install unzip nethserver-mysql
# Extract and put xerte to right location
unzip -d xerte
mv xerte /usr/share/
# Set owner for xerte
chown -R apache:apache /usr/share/xerte
# Create database and db user, change SECRET to your desired password
create database toolkits_data character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
grant all privileges on toolkits_data.* to xerte@localhost identified by 'SECRET';
# Create httpd conf file
cat << EOL > /etc/httpd/conf.d/xerte.conf
Alias /xerte /usr/share/xerte
<Directory /usr/share/xerte>
Require all granted
# Create php ini file
cat << EOL > /etc/php.d/xerte.ini
upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
# Apply settings
systemctl restart httpd
Browse to https://NETHSERVER/xerte and follow the setup assistant
When finished, delete the setup dir:
rm -Rf /usr/share/xerte/setup
Local authentication works, remote LDAP didn’t work in first tests and remote AD is yet untested.
To make it work for Nethserver DC you need to disable strong auth or a valid certificate (untested with xerte).
Authentication settings:
In the site administration (https://NETHSERVER/xerte/management.php) under Site/Authentication settings you need to set “LDAP”.
Under LDAP settings you need to setup AD/LDAP.
You can get the necessary infos on your Nethservers Accounts provider page or on command line with account-provider-test dump
The AD/ LDAP users are imported to the database after first login so don’t change the LDAP main filter after users have logged in otherwise you have doubled users.
LDAP settings for AD:
The ldap host is: ad.domain.local
The ldap port is: 389
The ldap password is: your ldapservice password
The ldap base is: dc=ad,dc=domain,dc=local
The ldap bind is: cn=ldapservice,cn=Users,dc=ad,dc=domain,dc=local
The LDAP main filter is: cn
(to login as user without domain; use userPrincipalName to login as user@domain.local)
The LDAP second filter is: cn
(seems not to be used, reserved?)
LDAP settings for OpenLDAP:
The ldap host is: localhost
The ldap port is: 389
The ldap password is: your ldapservice password
The ldap base is: dc=directory,dc=nh
The ldap bind is: cn=ldapservice,dc=directory,dc=nh
The LDAP main filter is: uid
(to login as user without domain; use Email to login as user@domain.local)
Next steps:
- add probably missing php deps
- change howto to create vhost à la Nethserver
- remote LDAP/AD
- Testing