Experience with NS8 on Debian

Hi all,

I am considering to set up an NS8 server on Debian. Is there experience how stable this combination is? Can I use it for production workloads? Use case would be mail, sogo, nextcloud. NS8 would run inside a VM.

Thank you for sharing your experience.

You mean: Debian (12) would run inside a VM?
I nasty bug on Debian was recently resolved, installing NS8 on Debian should be a problem (anymore)

Several community members run nS8 on Debian including me.
I use a VPS at Contabo and know those VPS’s are running on proxmox as a VM.

@Andy_Wismer has quite some (professional) experience using proxmox as a base to run NethServer on. And I believe @mrmarkuz is also running NS8 on Debian.

I’d say, give it a go if the current apps available for NS8 are suitable for your usecase.

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Hi @jaywalker,

i had exactly this scenario running on an NS8 with Debian as the substructure. The only thing that made me switch to Rocky Linux was the fact that there is no subscription for NS 8 in conjunction with Debian, as I already had two subscriptions for my two NS 7s and would like to continue using them.



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Hi @jaywalker

I can confirm that NS8 runs well on Debian 12 on Proxmox.

For details on setup, read the howto. The howto even includes Proxmox hardware settings etc.

Here are a couple of real testimonials / howtos with Debian 12.5 on Proxmox PVE:

PM me if you need specific suggestions how to bring size / ram / cpu / users all under one hat!
Not always public… :slight_smile:

My 2 cents


Thank you all for the replies, that sounds promising. However, the subscription topic that @transocean mentioned is a thing - I am planning to get a subscription for a production system.

Is subscription support planned for Debian based installs in the future?

Unfortunately not at the moment. You can read about it here.