I have a file share via my Nethsever, the domain controller works and I can access it via my Windows 7 after joining the domain. Now I would like to change via Windows the access permissions for one folder on that share but can’t do that. I always get and access denied when trying to change permissions for one folder in the share. I did that on a Samba share before and have no idea why it’s not working now.
My Windows is currently not in English but this screenshot might help explaining what I try to do:
You will have to set seDiskOperatorPrivilege and NOT use any usermappings in order for that to work. (You do need a username mapping tho) Let me dig up my similar question and answer for ya …
Seems like I have to go back to Zentyal then, where this works without command line magic that I don’t unterstand sufficiently…
Thank you for your effort and answer nonetheless!
I’m working on a step-by-step, but have to migrate a windoze server to nethservers first.
I hope to have the guide ready before the end of the year. I would recommend to try how far you get with copy and paste before giving up. It’s worth it.
I will gladely try a step-by-step guide once you made one! Without that I see myself sitting for days, only to end up with so many errors that I start with a new install. I am looking forward to the end of the year!
enable administrator@domain.tld user in Nethserver “Users and Groups” panel (it should be sufficient to assign a password to the user), then, on an pc, access to the share you want to change the permissions with the administrator’s credentials user that you have just enabled.
Nah, that’s just sloppy wording. With SeDiskOperatorPrivilege AND extended filesystem attributes on during mounting (something Nethserver doesnt seem to do default either?) you can set security permissions, as long as a username map exists for root = administrator
It seems this issue came back and I can’t figure out what has changed for it to stop working.
Issue: I create a new folder on my share and desactivate access permission heritage (is it clear what I mean? - my Windows is not in English) - access denied. That worked before and I don’t remember changing a thing.