What about dolibarr on NethServer?


And the kings hairdresser earns more than I do! :frowning:
It definitely NOT Macaroni… :slight_smile:



Hi, what are your plans with it? I personally tested it abt a year ago on with debian. Just to get an idea if I can use it instead of my accounting software. I liked it because its easy to use/handle…

make a module, but in a disabled repository, I want the sysadmin decides when update the software,

Oh, sounds good. I am in home-office for a few days. I can help you to test it if you like?

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What a nice people you have for parliament and collecting taxes…


You have to update first my rpm

yum install nethserver-stephdl --enablerepo=stephdl

then install dolibarr

yum install nethserver-dolibarr --enablerepo=stephdl-dolibarr

restricted to private, after any changes : signal-event nethserver-dolibarr-update

[root@ns7loc14 ~]# config show dolibarr 
    access=private   # public
    status=enabled   # disabled

once installed

go to https://server/dolibarr

login : admin
pwd :  admin

I did this module first in mind for association, so the association members module is enabled by default.


Hi Stephane and others, hope you’re fine in this … hum … “special time” (?), good news here :wink:
Do you kniow “Michel Andre” has released complete documentation for few month in order to install Dolibarr on Nethserver (he posted it here) ?
I use it on sme-server for 5 year now and IMO, it is the best CRM & ERP (I don’t have give a try to others)
Attestation/certification is only for business in shop (vente au comptoir) or in general for VAT…
Another process to hold-up in our “tiroir-caisse” :imp:
EDIT : I’ve find a company (preferred dolibarr partner who’ve check my installation and sold me an attestation for 120€ (it is valuable for minus-update but not major versions)


I think I am close to make the samba AD connection, it is workable on my test machine…

Yes I think so, dolibarr is a software for shop/company/association. Easy to take in hand mostly when a big ERP will be a pain to be configured.

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released as version 0.0.4

LDAP authentitcation
backup of mysql db each night

need to write a dokuwiki page


i will test it, but i cant stephdl repository is unreachable.

Error getting repository data for stephdl, repository not found





I think @stephdl Stephdl has a new repo, saw that when updating yesterday or day before…
I think on the NethServer Modules page the link is updated for @stephdl 's Repo…

if you have installed openldap or dc, use the password of users, else the login is admin/admin

go to https://domain/dolibarr




You did a great job :clap: - I think its time to pay you a beer…


From me too. :beer: :beer: :beer:

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Tried to restore the dolibarr mysqldb on another server and was not able to login. Seems that the login AD credentials are wrong now but I think you now that…

Maybe It could be possible to exclude the login-creds from the backup?


Could you explain line by line what you did, for the migration and what it failed. Indeed the ldap is build with a mysql importation, maybe after the migration you need to trigger the event nethserver-dolibarr-update to import the new login/password inside the database.

  1. I installed dolibarr on a Testserver and did the initial setup with my company-data, customers…
  2. I did a backup on the Testserver
  3. I installed dolibarr on a Productionserver
  4. I restored the mysqldump from the Testserver on the Productionserver
  5. I tried to login with AD credentials, AD is installed on both servers but with different passwords…

try to trigger the event nethserver-dolibarr-update, verify that the file /usr/share/dolibarr/htdocs/conf/conf.php gets the good settings, compare with account-provider-test dump