Weekly welcome to new members - 25 Jul 16

We’re working on FreePBX + Asterisk for NethServer, are you willing you to help us?

Looks nice but unfortunately, I don’t see any rpm for CentOS :frowning:

Lately, I made some tests with Mattermost looks very promising. @alep has tested a chat app on NetxtCloud as well.
Let’s open a new topic so we can go further!

Happy to hear that! This comparison rocks! :ok_hand:

I’d like to see how that goes, please keep me posted!

Indeed, NethServer is a good fit for SMEs

Awesome! I love this. We have many guys here experts on ClearOS - Zentyal - Untangle - Zarafa
they will be more than happy to help you with your experiments :slight_smile:
@robb @mark_nl @bwdjames @Jim @Asrix