Since I’m recently working on our new site and taking my Community Strategy course at CMX, I happened to reflect on our Vision/Mission and Values.
Given that: Vision is how you see the world in the future. Mission is how your community/project is working to create that future. Values are the principles that guide your community/project’s internal conduct and its relationship with its users, and partners.
Working on that it’s not so unuseful or just marketing stuff, it’s “Starting with why”. Why are we here? Why We’re Doing What We’re Doing?
So, I tried to put my thoughts on paper:
NethServer Project
Vision: Making sysadmin’s life easier with Open Source
Mission: To leverage the power of Linux without the complexity
Values: Community First, Linux Easy for everyone, All-in-One, Open, Simple, Customizable.
NethServer helps sysadmins being successful in the IT space by leveraging all the power of a Linux server without complexity
NethServer supports the community of sysadmins, be they home or business, with a powerful package of software to serve everyone, that will be free, open, dependable and sustainable for the long term.
NethServer Community
Vision: making NethServer strongly community-driven
Mission: building NethServer with the most vibrant, supportive and friendly community in the open source space (and not just…)
Values: put human factor first (or At NethServer we put people first.), learn by doing, be always inclusive, don’t be afraid to ask ‘stupid questions’, YOUR Participation Counts, community belongs to all of us.
We help IT professionals being successful with NethServer and Linux by connecting them to the most vibrant, supportive and friendly community in the Open Source space (and not just…)
I think one of the most important values of the NethServer Community, through our Software project, is to overcome borders with the force of collective work with free and liberating knowledge.
The human factor is one of the most important, be taken consderacion leads to a higher state of encouragement that motivates them to continue working towards an idea. to make it a reality
From decades, “some guys” try hard to combine the technology with the human body to create the Cyborg.
Here, we are close to combine The NethServer Project (the technology) with The NethServer Community (the human factor).
Here, I think we are close to create The NethServer Cyborg:
- The Vision: making a strong NethServer community to make the sysadmin’s life, easier with Open Source. - The Mission: being the most vibrant, supportive and friendly community in the open source space (and not just…), supported by the power of a Linux server without complexity. - The Values: put the human factor first (or At NethServer we put the people first), learn by doing, be always inclusive, don’t be afraid to ask ‘stupid questions’, YOUR participation counts, community belongs to all of us, Linux Easy for everyone, All-in-One, Open, Simple, Customizable.
The Technology/Machine/Tool and the Human!
Good job Alessio, good job to all!
I only put together what Alessio said in the first article.
The project vision being easier with Open Source… there’s nothing easy about open source, perhaps the majority of NS users are here for … “free”… free and open source are not the same, open source has licensing… open source means you can look under the hood, tinker and audit, it does not mean free… frankly my guess is most are here because they need a free server, some are prepared for the work of making it useful for them, many are not… the question is… where are we at in 5 years, can we sustain this as a free server distro so users can depend on it in 5 years, that they will not be looking for another free solution in two years because this community didn’t have the resources to support a free and open source NS for the long term, can we continue to respond to major disruptions like the ownCloud fork?
We make the sysadmins life easier not because of open source but because we wrap open source in an easy to administer gui.
my edit of mission…
Mission; To leverage the power of Linux without the complexity.
Your project Values… is a collection of buzzwords, it’s not a value statement.
my edit…
Values… Supporting the community of sysadmins, be they home or business, with a powerful package of software to serve everyone, that will be free, open, dependable and sustainable for the long term.
Hi @alefattorini, sorry for the late answer. I was on vacantion.
The project and the community are strongly connected. One can’t be without the other, unless nethserver will become a commercial product. I hope that that won’t be (not like SOGo) .
So I think the vision, mission and values of the community should point to this marks of the project.
I agree with your definitions, but I would like to add one thing: ACTIVE participation and ACTIVE feedback is the most usefull and valueable thing.
The more people are thinking about a problem, the more solutions will come up and only then we can find the optimum result. If we accept the first solution as the best, that won’t be the best. Almost every problem has more then one solution. The community has to bring feedback to the dev-team.
I like the definition of @fasttech “free, open, dependable and sustainable for the long term”
Hi guys, I’m back from vacation too. I loved this discussion and @fasttech’s attempt to mesh with @alefattorini words.
I don’t catch the difference between the terms “NethServer Project” and “NethServer Community”. @alefattorini why do you need to distinct them in your homework?
You know, buzzwords are useful to understand your aims and rules
I like your rewording, what do you think about that? More focused on NethServer.
NethServer supports the community of sysadmins, be they home or business, with a powerful package of software to serve everyone, that will be free, open, dependable and sustainable for the long term.
That’s true but on the other hand NethServer isn’t just the GUI. Don’t you think?
That’s my first personal goal! Thanks for putting it in simple terms. And as you already know, Active participation is WHY I am here. Please help us to make it come true!
From my point of view, they have two different vision/missions. The first makes sysadmin’s life easier while the latter connects people each other and to NethServer. I could try to merge both and see what happens
I don’t think the choice or dilemma is that difficult (nor important). We are here BECAUSE of the product, not the other way around. This does not mean that we shouldn’t put a lot of effort in the community.
IMO we have a great community around a very good product. For both things we can and should put up specific visions and missions. See it as statements for the technical part (the project) and the human part (the community).
Maybe those statements are full of buzzwords. That is not a bad thing as long we fill in that statement with clearly formulated points to work by.
I think we can learn a lot from the Ubuntu philosophy and how Ubuntu has set up its community. I do like cherry picking so take what we can use of it…
I think I should have put this after the question mark.
Of course we, the Community, are here because of the NethServer (the Product)!
No offense to anyone, but NethServer has got to the level that is only with the huge work, without any doubt, of the Nethesis, without, already put, the aid and the effort of the community?
Now, I will correct what I wrote and I will tell this, this time without dilemma for me:
Yes Alessio, you already did it: A great Community around a very good Product AND a very good Product around a great Community! (the order is only alphabetical, given by Community and Product)