I use Nethserver for My business, and a number of core functions of my business are powered by nethserver. I a glad.
we will also and have already began doing implementations for other organizations.
Generally speaking i have a huge problem with calendar, calendar system and calendar management.
We have Nethsever instance, which handles ldap users, has its own email users, with Webtop as the main calendar interface for that.
We also have NExtcloud deployed for that and so many other systems.
Webtop has a calendar, and enxtcloud has a calendar. when a calendar invite is made to eamil, someone can either use any, buildint mail to nextcloud calendar, or webtop mail to webtop calendar.
We then have a separate coprtae mail server, running on Zimbra, separate from the rest, it host many other domains owned by the compnay with their emails.
zimbra also has a calendar.
On phone most people have google calendar, and on computers, (windows) microsoft calendar app is king.
All the corporate emails are managed and handled by outlook office. so notifications for calendar events, are imported to outllook.
We have some crm solutions, but they moslty integrate with google calendar.
How does one manage all this calendar menace into one aggegated system, that no matter where calendar is added, its synced everywhere i would like.
I have tried so far to some extent but i fall short in many ways.