How to use CalDav to sync Calendar between WebTop and Thunderbird/Android?

I don’t really understand because you use the future, it is not yet available ( several calendars/addressbooks for one activesync account) but you are working for it ?

Future for receiving shared calendars (the ones received via share from another user).
Present for my personal calendars: they already work.

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Many Companys work with Outlook and won’t change. Outlook 2010 and older don’t support active sync, but with CalDav Synchronizer you can synchronize contacts and calendars if you have a caldav and carddav server.
I think this is a reason to support it.

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I’ve been waiting for age to get caldav / carddav support added to webtop5 … it is the easiest way for us to integrate our ERP calendars with SOGo now and hopefully webtop5 in the future.
We built a piece of software that using CalDAV libraries write ERP Tasks and Events to SOGo personal calendar.
We would like to port this feature on webtop5 since sogo has been removed from the enterprise version of nethserver.

I found a list of CalDav servers here:

I don’t know if @webtop_team will change idea, but if we can document the calendar and contacts table format, any developer could try to implement a CalDav/CardDav interface to WebTop.

What do you think @paolo? Would you eventually try to implement it?

It’s a big job anyway … and will require full knowledge of the webtop database.
I can try to start something but can only do in my spare time (not much to tell the thruth).

That’s the same reason why it’s been taken out of the road map, at the moment.
Also, we discourage working directly on the database, that may eventually change in time.
We provide java server APIs for that.
And we have plans for REST APIs too.

Gabriele, do you mean that api’s are already available or you are planning to release it ?
When you plan to release REST APIs ?

Every WT5 service exposes public APIs to access/modify specific service content.
These are both Java and JavaScript APIs, accessible inside WebTop5 writing your own service to access them, be it serve side or client side.

The Core service exposes generic APIs (both client and server) to extend/implement your own service.
Documentation for this has not been redacted yet, but it’s not that impossible to start with an empty project we may provide of an empty template service to start with.


AFAIK it’s not so easy to build a CalDAV server (not a client) on webtop currently. But in the future, who knows?
You have to convince the @webtop_team that it’s worth it

What is about installing another caldav server at nethserver and take it for synchronisation with thunderbird and WebTop?

What about radicale or davical? Tested them long ago but they worked…

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for those who want to play


First we need to expose REST APIs to have ways to manipulate calendar and contacts data without having to work with the database, leaving it to WebTop internals.
Then, we can think to integrate an external CalDAV/CardDAV server to operate through its REST APIs.

That’s the correct way to go, IMHO.



Hi … I must have lost some in this thread … you said you can provide kind of template … I’d like to get it . Could you provide one ?

Replacing apps on desktop/laptops is ok. But personal devices (some of them also use CalDav and CardDav) cannot really replace installed/embedded Apps.

Also: import routines for addresses, mail or calendar are often file based, but sometimes most of the data lays on apps that can be connected to other apps (Outlook, Thunderbird, other PIMS/mail clients) which can be really nice to connect with protocols to mailserver (therefore, with the Groupware).

Mail server lays on system, but calendar and address book are on the groupware.
ActiveSync is good. But it’s not for everyone…


Hello everyone,

At this moment I have installed the add-on TbSync in Thunderbird. Calendar, tasks and contacts are synchronized with WebTop. It works, but there are some quirks in it. Thunderbird may have become contaminated by many tests and I may have to reinstall it. Has any of you tested TbSync?

There is also a Category Manager available as add-on which works.


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It should be a new addon because I searched it for years…

I am glad I found it and hopefully it will be developed further, It looks like it has been released on 27 april 2017 and the reviews are good.