Test rpms from nethforge-testing

I pushed some rpm to nethforge-testing

  • netatalk
  • nethserver-ddclient
  • nethserver-fail2ban
  • nethserver-shellinabox
  • nethserver-crontabmanager
  • nethserver-dokuwiki
  • nethserver-php-scl
  • nethserver-urbackup

to install it

yum install nethserver-ddclient --enablerepo=nethforge-testing

please report issues and successes

I cannot push nethserver-delegated-panel and nethserver-rh-mysl56, they are not ready


@dz00te you should push rpms from your repository http://mirror.framassa.org/NethServer/6/


Those are great news Stephane!

Both ns6 and ns7? Could you specify the version?

I have no el7 version of nethserver-module, probably they are broken since apache24 gets a different syntax. the changes in nethserver-{httpd,ibays,directory,…} can break a lot more of course :slight_smile:


Great news! Looking forward to seeing all these amazing stuff in the software center!!

doh! i’m in vacation without pc! do you have a nethserver-sand-castles to help me with my little son requests? :grin:
i’ll be back next week
Great news for the community tnx for your work


Yep I need some force

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Gif broken :frowning:

the gif:

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Don’t drink! Just pour!

How can we move them from testing to “stable” ? What procedure should we follow?
I’d like to see them officially on our NethForge and installable from Software Center

They need also translations, actually only english inside

First at all a great huge thanks to @stephdl for your work!!

I’ve installed fail2ban, shellinabox, crontabmanager and urbackup.
All 4 are working correctly on my system.
Found only one restriction in shellinabox. Works only when ssh-port is set to 22.
How to change when ssh port is different? Is it possible to add this? :stuck_out_tongue:

May the force be with you (and never run out.) :wink: