Question about smb share

Hi, Maybe You can help me getting started with NS8,
I installed the Proxmox qcow image, and went on to setup my first NS8 Install.
So far i got as far, as setting up an AD Domain and an SMB Share

When i imported the qcow image, the initial disk size was about 40GB,
i then increased the size of the disk in Proxmox to around 300GB and used growpart so in fdisk -l the disk shows up with 300GB, I am not sure if I need
to do something else, but my SMB Share still looks like the size is only 38GB.
Would appreciate any help - Thanks

Hi @Hermann_Knabl

It might be helpful to know:

Type of disk in Proxmox, eg qcow2 or raw?
Type of OS used, NS8 supports Rocky, Debian, Alma and others.
Type of filesystem used by host OS (ext4, xfs, btrfs)?

A generic solution in Proxmox would be to fire up your NS8 using an ISO Image of SystemRescue
(previously called SystemRescueCD).
Boot using generic settings in SystemRescue, this works well in Proxmox (I am a confirmed Proxmox buff in this forum), and start the GUI with startx when it’s booted.

In the GUI, start gparted under System and check disks, partitions and expected sizes. GParted can fix and enlarge all listed filesystems and also repair them if needed.

Don’t forget to make a backup first in Proxmox, if using PBS it’s really fast, but even without, it’s always worth it!

My honest suggestion?
Spin up your own, following the instruction below.
Forget the pre-built images. It’s well worth the time, depending on hardware about 20 minutes…

Good Luck

My 2 cents

These may help too:


Hi @Andy_Wismer,
Thanks for the reply, It is the prebuild image with Rocky Linux, i did a
qm importdisk and now it is in raw format. Thinking about it now it would have been better to start from scratch i guess… Anyway will try Your suggestion
with Gparted. I just thought it looks OK in fdisk so i was missing something, as it happens all the time :slight_smile: Thanks again

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If the disk has already been expanded to the desired size, you can use the following commands to resize the fifth partition and the root filesystem to fit the available space: What's the official method for expanding sda5 in the ns8-rocky image? - #3 by davidep

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Salut all,

Last year I took @Andy_Wismer advice on H3+. Now I own 3 and have never regretted it.
My best discovery since sliced ​​bread.
