Portuguese people?


Estou a criar este post para qualquer pessoa que fale portugues, e que tenha dificuldades em ingles se possa ajudar.

Digam qualquer coisa para saber se existem.

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Boa iniciativa.


Obrigado :smile:

Onde está a usar o nethserver??


Voce aceita Portuguese_Brasileiro de um Francês? :smile:

I’m sorry, but this is an english only forum…

so, please, only english, thank you

E português-brasileiro de um Brasileiro? :grin:

Era qualquer pessoa que fala lingua portuguesa lol,
mas pelos visto nao podemos :frowning:
Bem tentei abraco

Why??? I’m using just one topic nothing more, that is so bad. If this forum have 5 Portuguese people already is to much.

And is a discrimination, because not all have to know English, and this people need help to.

Best regards

it’s a forum rule, not mine

for example, all NS devs are from italy and there are many users from italy too…
who created this forum/community choose not to have any language but english…

please adhere to this rule, thank you

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I don’t like that rule :frowning:

limits the communication

I’m sorry and yes, I agree with you that this rule can lead to communication problems…

anyway, I see many non english native speaker here, coming from the whole world… just use google translate if is the case…
finally, I’d love to speak portoguese as you write in english… :wink:

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No, no, no… I’m not agree

You like IT… You are here. :smiley:
Unfortunally, in this IT world, practise english language is not a mandatory, but is strongly recommended.

Come here to practise your english too :wink:
You don’t need too have a Shakespeare level, only technical level. So, it’s not a limitation, It will bring opportinities, even in real life.


I agree with that, but try to put in the skin of one person that don’t know nothing of English, and want to try nethserver.
It’s not unfair to him because he don’t know nothing of English?

That was my concern.

Portuguese translation of the UI is almost complete


The online help is completely missing

Also the Administrator’s manual is not available in your language

…but I think the Portuguese language team welcomes any help!


IMHO, if we want to help Portuguese (and any other language) people who don’t know English we should put our efforts in translating the resources above at first!

If you are interested, join @jgjimenezs and the other friends of translations_team.


If you want any help to translate, I can help.

Best Regards


I recall the Spanish translation of online help files.

That thread contains a lot of useful notes to start with. I’m here to lend my hand for the technical aspect!


Ehi Paulo, thank you for your post! You’re right, it limits the communication , as a matter of fact many people shared with me the same feelings, they are not comfortable with English and it’s hard for them to ask help in such language, my English is bad as well. :disappointed_relieved:
Times ago we have chosen to build a community English-only because:

  • moderate a multi-lingual community is really time-consuming and needs many different people
  • we have to write stuff in multiple languages and it’s too hard. Believe me, i did it :expressionless:
  • give support in a language different from English could fragment information. If I find here a useful error but the discussion is in Russian, it makes me really uncomfortable :confounded:

Let me give you another example, many people here has understood nothing about the beginning of the discussion and you have forced most of the people here to use google translate. What do you think? Isn’t the same?
You’ll force around 600 people to translate your post, to make comfortable just 5 :laughing: that’s not fair!

As I said, we can do an exception for translators:
It is possible have a hangouts with team members?

I’m open to suggestion about this topic and I am keen to hear what others think