Introducing new members on community - 24 May 06

Eduardo! Welcome in our community, happy to see another Brazilian guy. Where in the world are you?

Have you tried to install them on NethServer/CentOS yet?

I can introduce you to the Brazilian people who’re active here (also in your language) would you like? We have numbers to organize also a meetup directly in Brazil or at least online :slight_smile: @Jim @vitorlessati @lvicentini @alexcsilva @douglasdiasn @ibinetwork @marceloeng @pedro_gustavo @jfranco @Renan_Azedo_de_Olive @Freddy_Brignardello @willaraujo

Do you think that a Portuguesesection could help?

Your English is very good, compliments!

Get back to me if you need, glad to help.