NS8-App Mayhem: A Modules Dev thread on multiple modules issues faced

i don’t know what you want to do, so no clue

cluster:accountconsumer is for ldap
node:fwadm is for to open port in firewall
traefik@node:fulladm open route, full admin
traefik@node:certadm admin only to create certificate inside traefik

Note yet added ldap integration yet, it will be added Eventually.
I need to create certificate of course.

WOuld fulladm also have certadm functions as well?

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I think so

All this authorizations part is not well documented but good developers never read documentation, they always read the code of others developers who have read the documentation

Happy to Announce Currently Testing Dolibarr 18.0.4 and Glpi modules


@chrkli i was not aware you had attempted to work on a vaultwarden App, here NS8 module template fails on creating repository - Bug - NethServer Community

if youre open to a collab, I would be happy to engage

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@alefattorini could you kindly edit the first post to a wiki post?

EDIT: Thank you, now i can update the content

Hi Martin, sure I am.
Glad to see that there really is any interest in Vaultwarden as NS8-module going further.

I’ve managed to recover my broken VM I’ve used last year and pushed some minor changes I do not understand myself anymore to my GitHub repository.
Edit: Workflow is broken, too. That was not my intention

As I’m neither a programmer nor had anything else than the ns8-kickstart I had quite a hard time to get to where I’ve left off last year. Thus it might be better to take your work as the base rather than my try - feel free to have a look.

Kind regards

Update your yarn lock file, its out of date thats why.

could someone help me figure out why i am getting the following error here

2024-03-08T23:29:05+03:00 [1:2fauth2:systemd] 2fauth-app.service: Ignoring invalid environment assignment '2FAUTH_IMAGE=docker.io/2fauth/2fauth:5.0.4': /home/2fauth2/.config/state/environment
2024-03-08T23:29:05+03:00 [1:2fauth2:systemd] 2fauth.service: Ignoring invalid environment assignment '2FAUTH_IMAGE=docker.io/2fauth/2fauth:5.0.4': /home/2fauth2/.config/state/environment
2024-03-08T23:29:05+03:00 [1:2fauth2:systemd] Stopping Podman 2fauth.service...
2024-03-08T23:29:05+03:00 [1:2fauth2:systemd] 2fauth.service: Ignoring invalid environment assignment '2FAUTH_IMAGE=docker.io/2fauth/2fauth:5.0.4': /home/2fauth2/.config/state/environment

In relation to this App geniusdynamics/ns8-2fa: NS8 App for 2FAuth https://docs.2fauth.app/ (github.com)

is it that its not permisible to have something like this


Is 2FAUTH_IMAGE an environment variable?
If so, systemd.exec manual says this:

The names of the variables can contain ASCII letters, digits, and the underscore character. Variable names cannot be empty or start with a digit. In variable values, most characters are allowed, but non-printable characters are currently rejected.

Note that environment variables are not suitable for passing secrets (such as passwords, key material, …) to service processes. Environment variables set for a unit are exposed to unprivileged clients via D-Bus IPC, and generally not understood as being data that requires protection. Moreover, environment variables are propagated down the process tree, including across security boundaries (such as setuid/setgid executables), and hence might leak to processes that should not have access to the secret data. Use LoadCredential=, LoadCredentialEncrypted= or SetCredentialEncrypted= (see below) to pass data to unit processes securely.

As I’m clueless when it comes to podman, docker, containers et all, and there seems to be general environment variables as well as podman environment variables restricted to each container, take it as a grain of salt.

Unrelated to your question but related to Better Secrets Management for NS8 Apps - #5 by Tbaile, regarding handling of passwords/secrets without using podman --secret, I think the code with --env refers to podman environment vars (so scope is constrained to container, but defined in a systemd file). But if devs have already taken these things into account and it is a widely accepted and spread method, I’m surely non the wiser.

7 posts were split to a new topic: Error with container image name starting with a number

in relation to VAultwarden,

How do i fix the error   File "/home/vaultwarden3/.config/actions/create-module/20configure", line 12, in <module>
    import pyargon2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyargon2'

in the context of NEthserver 8 App?

Authentik Abov is Ready for testing here: Authentik-SSO App for Nethserver 8 - #3 by oneitonitram


Maybe too late: For me it looks like pyargon2 isn’t installed at OS level by default. My personal opinion would be to install that via system package management and try again - however that will only work pre-install.

Might the following be an option

  1. inside create-module get a random string to use and save it to a file inside module home (e.g. GitHub: chrkli/ns8-vaultwarden - actions/create-module/02create_secrets
  2. Pull vaultwarden container as normal
  3. Inside systemd unit use ExecStartPre to exec vaultwarden hash with input from file generated in step 2 and pass its output directly to ENV of starting container


  • Possibility to display the current secret within the UI
  • User may customise the admin-token from within the UI


  • Startup time for container might increase as there has to be done more
  • Startup will fail completely is ExecStartPre fails. It’s possible to tell systemd to ignore ExecStarPre failure, however in this case vaultwarden-admin will not be available due to missing token inside ENV

Okay I’ve should have read the manual completely before making suggestions:
Some lines below is an explanation on how to achieve the secure token generation with default linux tools available:
GitHub: dani-garcia/vaultwarden - Wiki/Enabling-admin-page#using-argon2

Thank you for your work until now!

I would love to see Matrix Synapse as a messaging and collaboration server for a emergency communications (EMMCOM) Project I am working on…

Is there a time schedule for a matrix-module?

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I am glad you see value in the works I am doing, thank you for your kind words.

As stated above on the app, not sure where to begin.

Matrix synapse alone is fairly or probably easy to implement, however alone, it’s baseline useless and you’d rather just use the builtin mattermost.

Matrix has way too many moving parts, options are implementing each separately and individually, similar to what most other systems like Yunohost are doing, however, from NS 8 app dev experience.

Its extremely cumbersome and complex to have different NS8 apps to play well together.

I am still working on figuring out how this could be achieved, and I would be happy for any member of the @app_authors to chime in and help brainstorm on ideas for achieving this.

I would love for it to be available yesterday, however I am still building experience in more complex topics and scenarios,

Also, whichever direction I chose to use as a starter , the initial version, unless it stays in dev-testing tag for a while, I would need to make consideration for future updates and upgrades, in the way I believe a matrix server should be implemented.

I don’t have any time frame as of yet, unless someone from the @dev_team would spare some time to brainstorm on many questions I have in relation to potential methods for achieving this.

I would like the matrix implementation in Nethserver 8 to be robust, yet provide abit of option and customizability. Similar to the matrix ansible playbook.

I would. Like bridges to work, etc.


@chrkli i attempted to install pyargon2 on my os base, but with no success, pip install pyargon2 failed unless I am missing something.

You should note as well, plain text secrets are no longer allowed by vaultwaden. Used to be possible. The pyargon2 generated secret is not what the user is going to be using, it’s what vaultwaden needs to know, however the user needs to have their secret that vaultwaden will decode. So other methods become useless. I had tried others before.

The only other option left is now is using the builtin generator, as seen on the repo to generate secret, and using interactive method, retrieve what vaultwaden has generated and store it as env.

While I think this might work. I think i broke my services with the many edits, so they are no longer working, and the generation can only work if the app service is running already.

Ussually before an app is working I do not branch out till it works… Still alot to figure out.

@oneitonitram You are absolutely right with that, and I’m aware of that fact, too. But I’ve never intended to pass the generated plain text password to vaultwarden.

My intention was to use OS-provided argon2 cli tool (not within python itself) to create the needed hashed version of the admin-token generated during create-module. If that fails (e.g. argon2 command missing from system), run vaultwarden hash to hash plaintext-token correctly.

I’ve done some bash scripts for exactly this purpose, please see following commit within my own repository.

Also, thank you for your tip that i need to update the yarn.lock file. I’ve now synced quite a lot other files with ns8-kickstart template, now the github workflow ran fine :slight_smile:

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