Error with container image name starting with a number

Now here is the interesting bit, especially pertaining to below

the docker reference source for this app is as defined here

    --label="${app_version}" \

Inside the app container service file we are supposed to define as such


since we can not begin with the name, is there another way, we can re-define it and have it implemented within the context of the app?

maybe @stephdl and @davidep would be kind enough to help with this conundrum.

and i believe solving this problem, would enable me solve another similar challenge i have experiences in another app as well.

@stephdl any ideas?

Your image name is not good should be 2FAUTH_IMAGE

is that an environment variable or it isn’t?

that was my attempt to change it to somethign other than 2FAUTH_IMAGE

because the env begining with 2 is being rejected, and thus does nto work. any idea what should be done?

When you have started the service check the environment file you might have some surprise inside I suppose

Else I have no clue you need to dive with the google link I posted

thank you @davidep path me up once resolution is in sight.

EDIT: is there a card to track this issue?

Here it is! NethServer 8 · GitHub

Hello @davidep How hard is it to solve this based on your assessment from your end, and would it be possible to kindly have this on schedule for me?

Well, we’re starting some works around the Software Center: I’d fix this issue by building the variable name with a letter prefix, for example in your case it would be I2FAUTH_IMAGE. Do you accept it as solution?

Unless i build my own docker image to implement that kind of naming, all other options i have tired seemed to fail, since the original image has that given name, and referencing it in any way, would still break.

I know it is something out of your control and there’s no other choice than a fix on the core side.

ok, ill be expecting a core fix kindly.

Goten myself into a situation whereby i need a TOTP available on the web for multiple users…
and the alternative solution thats secure is abit more complex to implement on NS8.