NS 7.9 not recieving email

Should i remove the lvt.liv domain ?


That looks all correct, but those are ā€œjustā€ mail domains, not where the users come from (Thatā€™s the account provider part!).

And that link is probably missing, or not correctly initialized.
Result: postfix has no real users in itā€™s aliases fileā€¦

Maybe @mrmarkuz still has access to a working NS7 where the link can be verifiedā€¦

My 2 cents

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Do I need smart host configured?

Not really. Thats for systems which must report, but do not run mail themselvesā€¦


Letā€™s check the mail domain settings:

db domains show

Are the users available on the Users and Groups page?

Yes, but no external account provider to Win2019 yet.

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I am downloading an NS 8, will spin up a new one and create a new AD (not jointo existing MS2019)


This may helpā€¦


Good Luck!

Sorry, Iā€™m a whole day out of officeā€¦

My 2 cents

Yes thank you Andy, I have the NS 8 qcow image downloaded for Proxmox just uploading the disk.

Iā€™ld install it myself !

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I have NS 8 up and running with a cluster configured I think, but where is the network, is it a different web login to administer the node?

You MUST use https:// IP or FQDN /cluster-admin/

(The trailing slash is important!)

Then login as (Cluster-) admin with the fefault password of Nethesis,1234.
A password change is mandatory.

See here:

There is no ā€œadministrationā€ for the node. There is only a cluster admin.
You can install cockpit, as used in NS7 for the node, but thatā€™s additional.

My 2 cents

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Yes I have that login, can the network be changed from the GUI likw NS 7 ?

What will you change?

I would like to change the IP address, do I have to do it in the shell with nano or can I do it in the gui?

I think you have to do this in network settings of the underlying OS.


If your OS is Rocky 9, you can change the ip with the Networkmanager TUI, i think.

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OK thanks got it with nmtui edit

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Anyone know how to ger roundcube working ? Itā€™s the only webmail I see in software for NS8 ?

There is also SOGo and Webtop. Both are groupwares. I personally use SOGo. But first you have to install and set up the mail server. Then you can install Roundcube and connect to the mail server.

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Yes the mailserver is installed and have 2 users with email addresses I can telnet to port 25 ok, I also have roundcubemail installed but cant seem to log on to it. donā€™t see SOGo or is that pre installed?

I see webtop, I try installing that now.