NS 7.9 not recieving email

Normaly you can see all the apps in softwarecenter of ns8. Have you bought a subscription?

Sometimes it can be helpfull, to read the instruction manual.


Do you have both repos enabled ?

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No subscription, yes have been reading it, not may pic’s. Very few YouTube videos for NS8. Am watching one now in Portuguese reading the subtitles.

OK am in to webtop now, (https://mm.ns8.test/webtop/) but email is not correct wil amend

What can you see under the point Settings of Webtop – Mailserver? Can you read there the fqdn what you given your mailserver-app? For example “mail.yordomain.com”.

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It has the wrong email here, should have the ailias MichaelMiller@stephenmillerltd.com

What is the smtp for stephenmillerltd.com?


Mail requires at least one user domain already configured.

The first configuration wizard will require the following information:

  • Mail server hostname: insert the mail server name, this should be the same name configured inside your MX DNS record.
  • Primary mail domain: insert the mail domain, like nethserver.org; you will be able to add more domains later.

Then, select the user domain to be connected to the mail server. An email address will be created for every user in the selected domain.

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You can setup different identities to set the right email, see also WebTop groupware — NS8 documentation

All email is working now both direction, was stuck in outbound queue but hae it freed now by disabling a relay. No just to get rid of the michael michael@ns8.test no option to delete?

I don’t know if I understand correctly but you can delete the user or create a new user domain using the wanted domain name on the Domains and users page.

If you just want to send from a different email or use another display name you can use identities:

Then you can choose the identity (From):

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Yes that worked and I only see the correct email now. But this time it’s getting stuck in the queue. Am guessing that there is no SPF domain txt/mx records, I have just added one. Will take while to take an effect.

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Many Thanks Andre, Markus, Uwe, & MadP for all your help. It is very much appreciated. I think I am good now with NS 8, will be building 2 more over this weekend now that I know how it works.
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Hi Tony

Does sound a very interesting combination.
Been dabling around a lot myself, starting with Raspberry PIs, then Odroid based ARMs…

Have fun, good luck also helps!

And if you’re still in Eire, greet the Turf from Switzerland!

My 2 cents

Am using Thinlinks for loacal virtual PCs and Stratodesk for Azure AVDs. once again Many Thanks.

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