The latest! NethServer Version: your_version
Nextcloud Module: your_module
I have the NethServer email server up and running. I can connect from various email clients as well as Roundcube webmail. All good.
In also have Nextcloud up and running. Except for the email which I can’t seem to connect to my NS email. I don’t see why not! Are there any tricks to get it to save my settings! There are no warnings to suggest any settings are wrong but clearly its not connecting.
Does anyone have a working Nextcloud to Nethserver email?
Would you please post your settings? If you wish to change some data, please do a nice image editing.
Also: consider to post images with english descriptions, if you can. It allow the community to a faster response. Unfortunately, some users use their own language for copy and paste console outputs or screenshots, which excludes from support who don’t knows german (or italian, or spanish or portuguese) or cannot copy-and-paste on a translator…
Thanks, here’s screenshot from the Nextcloud Mail settings. This shows the default settings a user sees before using NC Mail. I have checked the required ports are open. I can fill in my password and ‘save’ yet nothing happens. When I came back to the settings it shows empty password fields. NC Mail obviously ‘knows’ my server settings other than the password, but can’t connect for some reason.
Thanks again. No I haven’t looked at these logs. I’ve looked at my Nethserver logs admin page and don’t see one for Postfix nor Nextcloud. I do have IMAP and mail logs. Should I look in either of those?
[mail] Fatal: Updating account failed: Server denied authentication.
PUT /nextcloud/index.php/apps/mail/api/accounts/3
from *[public IP address]* by *[MAC address?]* at 2019-09-17T07:28:12+00:00
This topic was never marked solved, so not sure if it worked for OP, but I am having errors logging in as well, but a different error.
I have entered the settings as described, but I get “Request failed with status code 500”
and in the NextCloud logs I get;
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_ServerResponse: You do not have adequate permissions to carry out this operation.
mailclient in nextcloud has a problem with public mailboxes, nethserver is creating a public junk mailbox wich in my case is causing trouble with some mailclients