No access to Samba Shares

NethServer Version: NS 8
Module: Samba

I just tried to use Samba shares on my NS8.
I created a share, set it to “everyone read and write”.
From my windows11 laptop I cant access this share nor the other sahres (netlogon, %home%, sysvol) that was created by the System when I migrated from NS7.
From a ubuntu computer I could easely access the shares with smbclient, Username and Password.
So I think the Problem lies on the windows site but I have no Idea how to find it.

I seem to be correctly loged on the Domain, when checking the logon server I get the right server back.
Where shouold I look now?

Did you try using the dc name and the IP? For example \\ and \\
Does the Windows client use the NS8 as DNS server?
If you already tried a lot of logins please reboot the Windows PC as there could be issues when logged in on another share with another name etc.
Windows has a credential manager, maybe there are saved old credentials that are not working anymore.


To get the samba-dc hostname:

runagent -m samba1 podman exec samba-dc hostname

I did’nt try it with the dc name. It works with the DC name, but its the same IP as the NS node. Can I rename the DC so I just have one Server on my net?

Why is the DC not to bee seen in my Networks?

Yes, in NS8 it’s the same IP as there’s no separate DC container like it was in NS7.

It’s suggested to add a CNAME record:

Because a wsdd server is not part of the samba app yet. It will be added in the future.
Check out GitHub - christgau/wsdd: A Web Service Discovery host daemon. for more details.

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Thanx a lot, as always you’re verry helpful!

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