Issues with Nextcloud when container is installed on external mount

Did you try the samba DC hostname?
See also No access to Samba Shares - #2 by mrmarkuz

I tested the script, installed Nextcloud and it seems to work. Are there still issues regarding the mail notification? If yes, do you use a mail app instance or SMTP?

I got this error too but I think it can be ignored as traefik is working after installation.

This is not an error, the service for nextcloud was enabled which creates a symlink.

I didn’t get this one, can you reproduce it for example by restarting Nextcloud or click “Save” in the Cluster-admin Nextcloud app settings?

If the following command works, versioncheck should be ok, see also Failed opening required '/var/www/html/lib/versioncheck.php' · Issue #584 · nextcloud/helm · GitHub

runagent -m nextcloud1 occ