Dear community,
After migrating to NETH8, the SAMBA shares are not accessible on Windows – at least not for Windows clients connected via AD.
On MacOS (and iOS), the shares are accessible without any problems – using the last used SUB.DOMAIN name (example: mysrv.domain.tld) AND any other domain name that points to the same IPv4 address (e.g., mysrv.domain.internal).
Only on Windows, this doesn’t work. A login window opens, but the credentials don’t work.
I found the following post in the Nethserver community that already described the problem:
There, they recommended trying to access them via the DC subdomain, i.e., ad.domain.tld. This works spontaneously, but of course it’s not a solution.
A reference was also made to the following post:
which explains that this problem will be resolved (in the future) by a “netbios aliases” entry in “include.conf.” This (old) entry is actually present in my case. But who will still use NETBIOS in 2025?
How do I explain to NETH8 (or presumably KERBEROS) that it also allows access to the shares via the usual, or rather, its own, domain name?
And another question:
How complete is the migration regarding access to the HOME shares, whose contents are included by the Windows clients during Windows login?
Regards, Yummiweb
The DNS resolutions are all correct, regardless of whether I use NETH8 directly as the DNS or via another local DNS mixed with NETH8 (ad.domain.tld and */ad.domain.tld addresses are resolved directly by the local DNS from NETH8).
Further addendum:
Since this morning, no connections from MacOS (users connected via LDAP) are possible (different NETH8 installations and environments). Nothing has changed since Thursday; access to all ports specified in “Settings > Firewall > Service” has been granted (and checked).
It’s possible that the LDAP integration was incomplete on Thursday, which is why the login was using a different method (perhaps not Kerberos). The shares are still accessible on iOS, as there is no LDAP connection.
Login via ad.domain.tld has not been tested yet.
Login once worked via username@domain.tld, which actually shouldn’t work anymore?
What would the current forms of usernames be?
Further addendum:
The SAMBA port lists in NETH8 are specified as follows:
TCP: 53, 88, 135, 139, 389, 445, 464, 636, 3268, 3269, 49152-65535
UDP: 53, 88, 123, 137, 138, 389, 464
I’ve restricted the ports to TCP: 53, 389, 445, and 636 for now, so you can at least log in from the Mac again.
As far as I can tell, the problem is due to some processing or rewriting of the shared addresses during login, or a restriction (Kerberos) to certain shared addresses.
What exactly has changed as a result of the migration, and how can I correct or add it? The migration (strictly speaking) had the sole purpose of saving me the AD fiddling.