Hi everyone,
I was preparing my Kindle to read this week DistroWatch’s column at bed when I saw that the featured OS is NethServer, congratz everyone involved!
Hi everyone,
I was preparing my Kindle to read this week DistroWatch’s column at bed when I saw that the featured OS is NethServer, congratz everyone involved!
Oh yes! We’re very proud!
There’s a strange thing on Distrowatch:
Last update 2015-06-08
But the last version is Nethserver 6.5
Are they ignore the 6.6 version?
Good observation, could you please send them an email about it? Thanks very much.
Done, today.
It’s ok now on Distrowatch…
Today I was looking Distrowatch and more statistics:
For the last month… The NethServer Rank is #93
When the standard rank ( 6 months ) is #108
A little more communication and good work and Nethserver will be n the #100.
With more visibility, we will certainly be more active users.
What do you think? Are you agree ?
I agree, stuff like this could help
With the new site and NethServer 7, I hope to make some steps in the right direction
Wow! This is great, best result ever on Distrowatch we’re in home page!
134 visits/day
thanks @Jim
Position 90 and 142 visits/day @Jim
And up!!!
with the RCs coming and the future NS 7.
Nethserver will detonate more yet
I reborn this thread for a little observation…
Yesterday, I was looking on Distrowatch something and looking for “the concurrence”…
I simply go to the search distrowatch tool, and looking for a “firewall distro”… And NethServer not appear in this category
@alefattorini, perhaps is could be a good thing to correct this point, to improve this reference with Distrowatch
Thanks for your heads-up. Do you have a minute for pointing it out to the distrowatch crew?
I would appreciate it
Ok I will write to Jesse…
My name is Jim, and I’m a Nethserver user and part of this great community.
I’m writing to make a suggestion, and correct a little error in the reference, the classification of this distribution…
As the same title as the ClearOs distribution, Nethserver is firstly a firewall distribution and can be extend like ClearOs as a Small Business Server.
When I search for a Firewall distribution on Distrowatch, Nethserver don’t appear in the result.
Can you correct this point?
All the best,
That’s exactly the same situation in Wikipedia’s List of Router and Firewall Distributions where both ClearOS and SME Server are mentioned but not NS.
Perhaps someone with an edit account there can update it.
NethServer is not mentioned in Wikipedia because there is no page for NethServer. They don’t allow listings if there is no page for the mentioned topic.
And to be honest: I couldn’t care less for a Wikipedia page. The moderation maffia at Wikipedia is just too horrible to cope with. Been there, done that… (sorry for the negative rant)
Perhaps someone with a good english skill can create the Nethserver page in Wikipedia, and modifie/ create the NethServer entry in the List of Router and Firewall distribution.
Any good visibility for NethServer worth it.
To come back to Distrowatch, there’s now a possibility to note the Distro, and comment the Distro…
What do you think to clear your cookie and go to Distrowatch, click on NethServer and let a good comment ?