NethServer featured in!

Hey guys,

I don’t see “user review” on Distrowatch…
Come on!

@alefattorini, the change for firewall categorie isn’t done yet.
I suggest you do this solicitation… The distrowatch staff already know you!

@discobot make yourself usefull! Go post on Distrowatch! And make Nethserver popular to increase the project visibility…
It’s not really complicate… You can do,it! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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@discobot! Don’t be silly! Do what I say :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Good morning from Venezuela :sun_with_face: Tribe Nethserver.

Doing a search of distributions for Servers, based on Linux, No_desktop we are leading the list in the position 132

Of the first 5, 3 are based on CentOS


We have to improve this situation ASAP :slight_smile:

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