Yet only available for ns7, but another version for el6 should come
The translation is available in transiflex, if you want to do it, thank in advance
to install :
yum install
For NS7, the rpm clamav-data-empty is used, so it means that there is no virus database right now after the installation, but I mandatory start the download…be patient before to use, it depends of your bandwidth and the one of the remote server.
After that you have several options, please ask to add more, or to enhance them. For now there is no GUI to retrieve files in the quarantine, something interesting to do.
if you want to see how the scan and the freshclam are running, do in the console
ps aux|grep clam
With this option you will see the setting you gave to clamscan and control that I did well my work
If you want to test several time the freshclam, you can ‘rm’ all the content in /var/lib/clamav, then press the button 'refresh database now 'in the panel.
a mail is sent to the root user at the end of the scanning, if you have no scanning then take a look to /var/log/clamav/clamscan-errors