Nethserver-clamscan need testers

yum install

* Sat Jan 28 2017 Stephane de Labrusse <> - 0.1.2-1-ns7
- Scan now is an option in the web gui
- Clamscan applet created
- Before to delete the e-smith db key, we test if the file has been restored
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version for NS6 with the quarantine page

yum install

hi stephane, there is a conflict between nethserver-squidclamav and nethserver-clamscan, because one uses clamav-data and the other uses clamav-data-empty. So your package can not be installed if squidclamav is installed already, which is part of the webfiltermodule. I had to remove the clamav-data-package, install nethserver-clamscan and after that I had to reinstall nethserver-squidclamav. Is it possible to solve this?


I will inspect, however I guess a core bug :wink:

released with its documentation

bug raised, it is a core bug, not mine :slight_smile:

clamav-data-empty conflicts clamav-data · Issue #5223 · NethServer/dev · GitHub


Hi @stephdl, Giacomo asked you a fix test! Could you check it out?


cc: @davidep, @giacomo, @stephdl

I saw that Giacomo has released the last version of the NS Antivirus ( )

My questions are:

  • this antivirus is only for File Server, or it is also for Mail Server, Web filter?
  • if is also for Mail Server on a NS Mail Server, this version will replace the antivirus version already installed with mail package (same question for Web filter)?
  • how can install the last version of the NS Antivirus on a File Server?
  • how can install the last version of the NS Antivirus on Mail Server as update for the existing antivirus module?

I put all this questions because when I tested WT 5 there were some issues because of different test packages.


In fact you don’t do instant protect, only scanning based on a cron Job, so the whole server is scanned.

I just use nethserver-antivirus (from core) as an dependency, I replace nothing and all features are available from the rpm nethserver-antivirus and nethserver-squidclamav. My work is independant of other rpms.

do ‘yum update’ you will update the nethserver-antivirus (core)

same, ‘yum update’

Hi @stephdl,

Thank you for your detailed answer!

This morning, I have updated through Software Center the two NS 7.3 servers that I have (still in tests), one acting as PDC/File Server, other acting as hosting for WT 5, Nextcloud and osTicket.

Of course, only the NS Hosting Server has updated the antivirus module to nethserver-antivirus-1.2.1-1.ns7.

After I read again all about this, I understand that this update is for fixing the conflict between nethserver-squidclamav and nethserver-clamscan.

So, to have your module, I must run (from Nethserver-clamscan need testers)

yum install

or, if I already have your mirror set, only:

yum install nethserver-clamscan

documented here:

I will install this module on PDC/File Server (is for File Server and generally for any server that stores any kind of documents).

I will install your module also on hosting server because on that server I have Nextcloud and osTicket, both apps with possibility of storing documents.

Thank you again,