Install wordpress to NS8

The purpose of this howto is to install wordpress at the top of nethserver 8

we need as a requirement to have DNS name

for the mariadb server:
for the virtualhost for wordpress:

If in the future you move the webserver or the mariadb module to another node, think to modify accordingly the DNS entries to the new IP

These FQDN must ne resolved when you do ping or ping for instances

first lets go to install mariadb and webserver

Capture d’écran du 2023-11-14 12-11-01

lets go first to configure mariadb

Capture d’écran du 2023-11-14 12-11-50

open the App

Capture d’écran du 2023-11-14 12-12-02

go to the settings and set a web path (the url to reach phpmyadmin will be , force http to https and save

The web path must be unical on your node

that’s it

be aware that you must change the password of phpmyadmin at the first login because it is admin/admin

the port will be used to connect to the mariadb server, the port is restricted to the localhost and not opened in the firewall, it can be used on the node but not reachable form outside of the node

keep in mind the TCP 20019 port we will need it later in the wordpress installer

Now time to configure mariadb, go to or use the link inside the mariadb page

the default password is admin/admin, change it immediately, for that purpose use the change password in the General settings

Then we need now to create a database and a user for mariadb, go to user accounts and select add user account

then set like the picture above and save

If you look closely we need to set the user permission to any host because we have two containers, one for webserver and one for mariadb and in the container world, a container is isolated to all others, so it makes no sense to use localhost, we have to set to any host (in sql language any host is converted to user@%

You can do it by the CLI in your terminal, first ssh to your server, then once done we need to ssh locally to the user of the mariadb module, this is how works NS8 to fix or inspect issues

# connect to mariadb1 (module_id)
runagent -m mariadb1
# connect to the mysql container as root
podman exec -ti mariadb-app mysql
# create the database and grant user to all from any IP (external port is closed to
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS mywebapp;
MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on mywebapp.* to mywebapp identified by 'Nethesis,1234';
MariaDB [(none)]> flush privileges;
MariaDB [(none)]> exit

Out of topic but we could a dump or load a dump from the CLI

podman exec -i mariadb-app mysql < toto.sql
podman exec -i mariadb-app mysqldump > toto.sql

if you want to access mysql you can do it by the CLI remotely IF you are using the IP of the VPN of the cluster (where the mariadb is running)

mysql -u root -h -P 20030 -p
mysql -u phpmyadmin -h -P 20030 -p

the password are

[root@R3 ~]# cat /home/mariadb1/.config/state/secrets/passwords.secret 


now time to configure webserver, go to the Settings or use the button configure SFTPGO in the Status page

Same like phpmyadmin we need to configure a web path and set a TCP that must be unical on your node

The port is used to connect a sftp client to the node and export the files from your local computer to your remote node, SFTPGo gets also a web user interface to makes changes, however the sftp CLI is much more powerful and simple

set Enabled the sftpgo external access and the https forced redirection

the default password of SFTPGo administration is admin/admin in the status page you have a link to the admin page, login admin/admin change immediately the password


now it is time to create the virtualhost, go to the virtualhost page of webserver application

then create your first virtualhost and save

save the configuration

As you can see on the virtualhost car we can find the link to sftpgo with the ID 9001, this is the ID of your virtualhost if you want to add some manual changes like custom nginx directive

the place where to add these changes is /home/webserver1/.config/state/conf.d/dyn-9001.custom # webserver1 must be adapted to the ID of your module : webserver1, webserver2

In the virtualhost card, you have a link to the SFTPGo page of your vhost, the default login is 9001/9001 for this virtualhost, change immediately the password

This is some settings and 2FA authentication

the change for your password is in the upper right

lets go to download wordpress, download and uncompress the archive

open your terminal in the path of the wordpress files, do a ls you must see the files. Then do a sftp -P 3092, fill the password you must be connected

to push the file, simply do put -r *

probably here a filezilla client that could connect by sftp could do the trick too but keep in mind to use the SFTPGo port : 3092 and user : 9001

now we need to set a CSP relevant to upgrade-insecure-requests, this is a well know issue on wordpress that we call mixed content (http/https)

ssh to your server in root and create the file
vim /home/webserver1/.config/state/conf.d/dyn-9001.custom

important: you must let the ownership to webserver
chown webserver1:webserver1 /home/webserver1/.config/state/conf.d/dyn-9001.custom

adjust webserver1 to the module_ID of your webserver module and 9001.custom to the ID of your virtualhost

add and save
add_header Content-Security-Policy upgrade-insecure-requests;

go to the virtualhost card and edit and save the form to restart the virtualhost

now you can go to and use the web installer

As you can see we need to set the FQDN with the TCP port of mariadb and not the localhost for the database because the database is remote from the web container.

Alternatively you could use the IP of the VPN of the host where is running the mariadb module....even remote, for instances


Merci @stephdl !


Thanks for the howto.
IMVHO Wordpress might be considered a “killer feature”, I suggest as post-release task to create a “one click recipe” for this dish/application.

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There’s an official Docker image, which should be an important first step.


Indeed it could be a good training to a developer which wants to learn how works NS8, NS8-roundcubemail could be a good start

we use env vars, we use an internal db, it is quite similar

as ever, ready to help

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imagine if i could deploy and application like this onto NS8 and then Export that Application as an NS8 Module, would be Nifty, and only parameters like domain, db and other details need to be adjusted…

(not necessarily on wordpress case)

not sure to understand, could you please formulate again, automatization needs so much cases to handle so we could not provide an engine to build module for web app, so much corner cases must be taken to account

Meaning moving around an app on the cluster nodes? E.g. Move an app (pod = app + db) from node2 to node3 and take down node2 for maintenance. Then, once node2 is back up, move it back from node3?

you can move to another node the whole webserver but the case to just move a virtualhost is not handle


super manual, but what to do when I install MariaDB from Cluster Admin as you show above, but all modules (mariadb-app, mariadb, phpmyadmin-app) are inactive and disabled. I think this is problem to do something with this situation, because in gui is any choise to do with this module. I can only see status. No option for start, stop, restart, some “debug” etc.

I can not post log, because new user can add only two link to post…

Do you have some screenshots?

This is correct. You can only select the instances and set settings

I have three more screenshot, but I can not post it before somebody write reply…

No settings page ?

Settings with phpmyadmin not help me…

Well you missed to describe what you want to do and it does not work

Did you save at least one time the settings page of mariadb

If not the service is never started

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Heureka! Sorry, I read manual, but there was not wrote something like “You must save settings even if you can not use phpmyadmin or make any changes. Without save container won’t start.” Now is all “active” and database is ready. Thank you!

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