Limit in uploading files in wordpress

I installed wordpress as in this guide:

I have problems uploading files, I can’t upload files exceeding a few MB using media or wp file manager.

is this a known issue? can I solve it?
In the vhost configuration I set a limit of 54Mb
but files of any format larger than 2Mb ~ are not loaded

what could it depend on?

so you are not using sftpgo, media or wp file manager are wordpress component, right ?

I have problems with wp file manager but if I connect with File Zilla everything is ok. I have no idea where I can look

so change the topic, your concern is nto sftpgo but the php size limitation to send files via php

screenshot of your settings

can you upload a file phpinfo.php with filezila with that content


phpinfo( );


to use it


check that file size are well changed

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upload_max_filesize 54M 54M

check in wordpress there is not a limit set inside ???

check logs of webserver ???

what can you read in the bottom

other clues How to Increase Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress

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when I upload large files:

unexpected server response. the file may have been successfully uploaded, please check your Media Library or reload the page

we need log of webserver when You upload, I feel a wordpress specific error, try another webapp

If you are not in production yet, maybe you want to discard this Wordpress installation and use the new Wordpress module available via Software Center?