Howto install Tactical RMM including MeshCentral on Nethserver with docker

Inspired by @dnutan and @oneitonitram in Howto install MeshCentral on NethServer, here’s a howto about installing TacticalRMM, a remote monitoring & management tool for Windows computers, built with Django, Vue and Golang. It uses an [agent]( amidaware/rmmagent: Tactical RMM Agent ( written in Golang and integrates with MeshCentral. I decided to use the [docker version]( Docker Install - Tactical RMM Documentation) to ease configuration between the components, avoid installation issues and port conflicts. I tried native install without success here.


Setup 3 domains

You need to setup 3 domains like in the following example:

  • api.domain.tld
  • mesh.domain.tld
  • rmm.domain.tld

Request a Letsencrypt cert

Ensure that the domains are resolvable via DNS to get a certificate for them.

For a local network test (no public agents) I port forwarded 80 and 443 to my VM just for getting the certs and removed the port forwarding again.
The better way is to use real public domains on a NethServer in Gateway mode (red and green) or port forward 80,443 and 4222 (agent connect port) to a Nethserver in Server mode (green only). It should work on a VPS too (without port forwarding).

Install docker, enable portainer and update the system:

yum -y install nethserver-docker
config setprop docker enableRepository enabled
config setprop portainer status enabled
signal-event nethserver-docker-update
yum -y update

Install docker-compose

curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Get rmm docker files

mkdir ~/tactical
cd ~/tactical
mv .env.example .env

Prepare .env file

Edit .env and edit the 3 domains and maybe edit usernames and passwords for security for production use:


Add Letsencrypt certs to the .env file (if you do this step more often you need to manually remove duplicated lines):

echo -e "\n# certs" >> .env
echo "CERT_PUB_KEY=$(sudo base64 -w 0 /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt)" >> .env
echo "CERT_PRIV_KEY=$(sudo base64 -w 0 /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key)" >> .env

Prepare docker-compose.yml

Edit docker-compose.yml and add default external network named aqua to networks (last 3 lines here):

    driver: bridge
      driver: default
        - subnet:
    external: true
    name: aqua

Change the local ports for 80 to 8010 and 443 to 8011 and add default network for container tactical-nginx (before ports:):

    container_name: trmm-nginx
    image: ${IMAGE_REPO}tactical-nginx:${VERSION}
    restart: always
      - "8010:8080"
      - "8011:4443"
      - tactical_data:/opt/tactical

Add default network for container trmm-nats (last line):

  # nats
    container_name: trmm-nats
    image: ${IMAGE_REPO}tactical-nats:${VERSION}
    restart: always
      - "4222:4222"
      - tactical_data:/opt/tactical
          - ${API_HOST}

Add 3 reverse proxies from

  • api.domain.tld
  • rmm.domain.tld
  • mesh.domain.tld

to https://localhost:8011 and enable all advanced options:

Add tactical service to open port 4222 for agents, for LAN only “green” instead of “red,green” is needed:

config set tactical service TCPPort 4222 access red,green status enabled
signal-event firewall-adjust

Fire up Tacticalrmm containers

To be sure Docker firewall is working:

signal-event nethserver-docker-update

Start containers:

docker-compose up -d

First login

Wait a few minutes and browse to https://rmm.domain.tld and login with username tactical and password tactical if you didn’t change it in the .env file.
On first login you need to setup 2FA (I used FreeOTP on Android) and do some basic config like create a client and a site and region settings.

Get meshagents

Next step is to get the Meshagents from Meshcentral, so browse to https://mesh.domain.tld and login with username tactical and password tactical if you didn’t change it in the .env file.

Click on “Add Agent” to open the window with the agent downloads, download both the x86 and x64 version.

Upload agents

Back in Tactical RMM in “Settings/Global Settings/Meshcentral” you need to upload the meshagents downloaded in the previous step:

Now it’s time to install an agent, in TacticalRMM go to “Agents/Install Agent” and “generate and download the exe” and run the agent installation on a client. You may need to fix Antivirus issues.

After agent installation you should see the client in Tactical RMM (maybe you need to refresh):

Reset 2FA

In this example 2FA is resetted for user tactical:

docker exec -it trmm-backend python reset_2fa tactical

Reset tacticalrmm

Remove containers and volumes:

cd ~/tactical
docker-compose down -v

Start up again:

docker-compose up -d

Grafana integration

Create volume for persistence:

docker volume create grafana-storage

Run Grafana docker with needed plugin, persistence and in same network as tactical postgresql:

docker run -d -p 3010:3000 --name=grafana --network=tactical_api-db --restart always -e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=grafana-worldmap-panel" -v grafana-storage:/var/lib/grafana grafana/grafana

Add aqua network to grafana container:

docker network connect aqua grafana

Setup a domain grafana.domain.tld and use another reverse proxy to http://localhost:3010

Login to https://grafana.domain.tld with user admin and password admin and change the password.

Import TacticalRMM Dashboards

Download the dashboard json files and import them to Grafana dashboards.

Create URL action (did not work in my test)

Create an URL action in TacticalRMM Global Settings, only edit the domain to your grafana domain:

URL Pattern: https://grafana.domain.tld/d/pLkA1-inz/tacticalrmm-dashboard-trmm?orgId=1&var-Client={{}}&var-Sites={{}}&var-Agents_HostName={{agent.hostname}}

Enable cpu,disk,ram checks for a client and run the URL action on this client in tacticalrmm.
It should open a browser showing the grafana dashboard for the client, in my test it didn’t work.

Add tacticalrmm data source

Add postgresql data source to Grafana(here with the default passwords):

Set to default to be used by the new dashboards
Host: trmm-postgres
Database: tacticalrmm
User: postgres
Password: postgrespass
Disable TLS/SSL and “Save & test”

Now it should be possible to view TacticalRMM stats in Grafana.


to add into these details there seems to be also grafana integration for the same.
dinger1986/TRMM-Grafana: Grafana Dashboards setup and preconfigured to work with Tactical RMM (

though it seems to be for the normal install based on this install sh

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Port 80 and 443 have to be open? If yes, is there another way?

You may open the ports just for 1 minute to get the cert for testing.

To get LE certs without opening the http port check out letsencrypt for internal servers or acme-dns in the wiki.


OK, thank you for the hint! - Self Signed certs are a no go?

Yes, because clients don’t trust it.


I added the Grafana integration to the howto.



Can this Grafana be used by any other system that uses or would require grafana?
will be testing all these installs today

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Yes, it can.

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fantastic.then weve added 2 modules in one.

is there anything that needs to be added in aqua network in portainer.
my pages taking long to load and also gettign error 502

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET / .

Reason: Error reading from remote server

The containers trmm-nginx and trmm-nats should be joined to aqua network, this is done in the docker-compose.yml file, see Prepare docker-compose in the howto.

Restarting docker and firewall may help too.

signal-event firewall-adjust
signal-event nethserver-docker-update

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thank, adding trmm-nginx to aqua in portainer interface gave me a login screen.

i was asked for 2FA i igonored it, and now… oh boy
I am supposed to un this to recover 2FA password.
not sure from where in our case /rmm/api/env/bin/python /rmm/api/tacticalrmm/ reset_2fa

Remove containers and volumes including 2FA settings:

cd ~/tactical
docker-compose down -v

Start up again:

docker-compose up -d

I guess in trmm-frontend container but not sure…

how do i do this

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With the commands I posted.


I added 2FA reset and complete reset to the howto.

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i keep getting error 502

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET / .

Reason: Error reading from remote server

on my docker installations, not just this one, what could be causing this issue?

Are the right containers joined to aqua network?

looking into portainer.
i noticed that they are not, i thought they were to be added automatically.

i added trmm-meshcentral and trmm-nginx to aqua. am not sure if there are any others to be added.

No, usually only the ones that share ports.