#OS X Server vs. Nethserver
##Service comparison
OS X Server out-of-the-box versus Nethserver one-click-install.
The first table shows all services provided by OS X Server and the comparable services (if available) in Nethserver.
The second table shows the additional services available in Nethserver.
Keep in mind that I am comparing out-of-the-box OS X Server with Nethserver one-click-install services!
Table 1
Table 2
So, what is currently missing from Nethserver compared to OS X Server that is (in my opinion!) important for SMB or SOHO users**** ? :
- Time Machine (which depends on the availablility of AFP and Bonjour/mDNS/Avahi);
- Webservices (vHost management) either Apache or Nginx;
- Wiki and WebDAV.
(Jim already wrote a forumpost regarding the installation of Netatalk on Nethserver - Trying to install Netatalk on NethServer - but obviously a oneclick install is preferable to make Nethserver a true replacement of OS X Server)
Profile Manager (Apple device management incl. MDM for iOS devices), NetInstall (providing NetBoot images), Software Update Services, Xcode Server and Xsan are - again from my perspective - not relevant for the primary audience Apple is targeting with OS X Server (services reminding of Apple Xserver history . . . ).
The services available in Nethserver but not in OS X Server, especially the groupware and print server services are a great plus!
One wish regarding the print service, add AirPrint, to make it possible to use non-airprint capable printers from iOS devices.
On Debian AirPrint functionality is provided by the following packages: avahi-daemon avahi-discover libnss-mdns cups cups-pdf gutenprint pycups avahi python2.
For me personally it is not a problem to experiment and add the mentioned ‘missing’ functionality from the commandline.
For most potential OS X Server users however, this is not the case. To make Nethserver a true OS X Server alternative (more stability, better reliablilty) adding the mentioned missing services as a one-click install and adding them to the WebUI really is a good idea.
- Caching webcontent and software updates
** Nethserver, in its current stable incarnation, does not provide the level of control for vhosts in an easy to use GUI comparable to qwhat OS X Server provides
*** OpenLDAPand Kerberos covered in Apple sauce
**** Users having a single dedicated server machine running either OS X Server or Nethserver providing network services to a small (…) group of users.