Email 2 (Beta) released

The Email 2 (Beta) module based on Rspamd has been released and is now available from software center

Refer to the admin manual for installation and upgrade instructions:

Email module transition to Rspamd — NethServer 7 Final

Special thanks go to @stephdl for development, @hucky @sharpec @mrmarkuz for QA!

Read here the full story


yep, tested and adopted

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I’ve been using it for a couple of days and it’s awesome


@sharpec @stephdl @hucky @mrmarkuz, and to everyone else who installed nethserver-mail2-* packages from nethserver-testing repo: there’s a little issue with RPMs released in nethserver-updates.

The new packages have a release version number that results to be less than the testing packages. In other words, testers have to downgrade instead of update.

Only for QA team members, to update to newly released packages:

yum downgrade --noplugins nethserver-mail2-*
for RPM in $(rpm -qa | grep nethserver-mail2-); do signal-event ${RPM}-update; done

See the post below Email 2 (Beta) released


I was just about to ask … :wink:
tnx… all ok :+1:

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Can I install mail 2 module when SOGo already is installed? (I only installed SOGo, mail and mail 2 modules are not installed)
I ask because when I tried to install mail 2 I ran into an error:

In /var/log/messages I get these lines when installing mail 2 module:

Mar 9 09:22:15 ns7 pkgaction[21392]: install: @nethserver-mail2 Mar 9 09:22:20 ns7 pkgaction[21392]: [YumRPMCheckError] [u’ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:', ‘nethserver-mail-server conflicts with nethserver-mail2-server-2.0.0-1.ns7.noarch’, ‘nethserver-mail-common conflicts with nethserver-mail2-common-2.0.0-1.ns7.noarch’]

This is a screenshot of softwarecenter for available packages:

Both email and email2 are ‘not installed’ (I installed SOGo from NethForge repo…)

Just to be complete, installed modules are:

  • Backup
  • Basic firewall
  • Dutch Language
  • FTP Server
  • MariaDB (MySQL) Server
  • Nextcloud
  • SOGo Groupware
  • Statistics
  • Webserver

You probably installed mail packages as dependencies of SOGo. I guess you’re missing the mail-filter component. If so you have no benefits from switching to mail2…

In any case you can’t install from Software Center if any mail RPM is already installed. Refer to documented upgrade procedures.

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Thnx for the pointer. As always, I should have read the docs before hitting any button… :wink:
rspamd is running… yay!

So, I noticed this a while back myself, and added the mail package to my installation to install the mail-filters. From your above comment, I could read that as: 'it is useless to install the mailfilter components if you installed the mail packages as dependencies for SOGo.

Please tell me that is not a valid interpretation ?

As I said, I only installed SOGo from NethForge. Therefor I didn’t have any mailfilter installed. Maybe the mailfilter component should be added to the SOGo package? Or should we add an instruction to first install NethServer-mail from Softwarecenter, and after that install SOGo from NethForge?

2nd question: what happens with mailfilter if you only install Webtop from software center? Is that the same as with SOGo? Or does Webtop module install the mail filter?


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after the downgrade i got:

404 - Language not found


if i try to reach the rspamd gui

The UI URL changed, please see the docs!

Did you run update events?

The second command didn’t work for me:

[root@server ~]# for RPM in $(rpm -qa | grep nethserver-mail2-); do signal-event ${RPM}-update; done
Can't open directory /etc/e-smith/events/nethserver-mail2-server-2.0.0-1.ns7.noarch-update

I had to use this command instead:

for RPM in $(rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}\n" | grep nethserver-mail2-); do signal-event ${RPM}-update; done


I guess webtop doesn’t install mail-filter too but i’m not sure (read not in front of a computer). Anyway, running a mail server without anti spam nowadays is not recommended so you should install one. Spammassassin knows many/some issues not fixed by upstream so I would encourage you to try rspamd (of course i’m biaised)

So… installing nethserver-mail or nethserver-mail2 is recommended before you install SOGo or Webtop?

Yess try it :wink:

Whatever spammassassin or rspamd

Looking good so far:

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Does the order matter? I first installed SOGo, then the rest of the mail package to get spam assassin … it looks like it’s working, but @davidep suggested otherwise or I read it that way … trying to figure out if I need to fix something before trying rspamd ?