doesn’t work 4 me change it to
MailFieldNames = (mail,otherMailbox);
now works 4 me
sorry frank, I don’t understand, the fix didn’t work for you and you go back with your changes
i don’t understand too,
i’ve samba account provider
internal dom bla.lan
external dom (where i would send from)
thunderbird works
webmail works
iphone with active sync doesn’t work
get error like i can’t send with internal domain
This is the mail system at host ns7xxxhome.lan.
I’m sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It’s attached below.
For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.
If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.
The mail system host[] said: 550 5.7.1
xxx@xxxx.lan… AUTHID not allowed for
sending mails for xxx@xxxx.lan (in reply to MAIL FROM command)
emails and ips are changed for example
with my config works without this error
Ok so you can send email by active sync with the trick you do. Do I’m correct ?
But does the login is still correct, does the adressbook is still workable ?. Try to restart the server or the sogo service to confirm that.
@hucky got something similar of you
But unfortunately he doesn’t give yet his solution.
just wan’t to confirm, that with latest patch also my Iphone can sync well and also send mails. Can not see any problem so far.
You use activesync also ?
yes 4 iphones and 2 android are using this at the moment with active sync
Sorry for the delay, i spent a lot of time at the Hospital the last few month. What i have done is a Adress rewriting, found it at this : website, it works for me
What’s happened man? Everything ok?
Hi there, i have the same problem that sending mail throught active sync is not possible cause SOGo will send the mail with the domain intern.local
I have already made the yum update nethserver-sogo --enablerepo=nethforge-testing
but he says “no packages marked for update”
Webmail and IMAP works.
Any idea?
look at the very top of this thread. Did you already set the correct email inside SOGo webinterface (imap settings)?
Is the correct mail address visible on SOGo webinterface then (top left position if you select mail).