Default Mailaddress in Sogo 3.2 can't be set


@asl I can confirm this behavior of Sogo.

If I put an emailadress in here

it’s impossible to save another email-adress in Sogo. It jumps always back to the default one (user@domain.tld).
Thanks for figuring this out. Should be mentioned in the installationguide of SOGo.


good to hear that you have the same. Minimum to mention this inside the guide, but for me this looks much more like a bug. Shouldn’t we open a bug for that? This field in AD is nearly used in every organization I saw, so this will lead very often to conflicts. And what is wrong for Sogo to use a correct email?


Sorry I don’t know if this is related to NS or to SOGo. So if this is related to SOGo I’m afraid we can’t fix this.
Maybe @davidep or @giacomo can say if this is related to NS?

It seems our config relies on “mail” field heavily :anguished:

Suggestions and pull requests are welcome!

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someone knows the real name of this field ?

@davidep some clues without I install a F… window :slight_smile:

@asl @flatspin maybe youcan help me if you install nethserver-ldapadamin

Sorry guys but that field has nothing in common with the default email address for the user account. Here you can put any email account you want. This field is “General”.
To set the default email address for an user, you must have something like an “Exchange connector”.
I used this feature when I have used AXIGEN as email server, with an additional module provided by AXIGEN (Axigen Active Directory Extension for Windows). After I have installed this module, I was able to set the default email address for the user in AD user account ( ).

Some articles:


EDIT 2 (this could be more interesting to a solution):


16 messages ont été déplacés vers un nouveau sujet : No login page with phpLdapAdmin

@flatspin @asl

can you reproduce the same behaviour if in the file /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sogo/sogo.conf/45user_source
you comment the line 84

-         MailFieldNames = ("userPrincipalName","mail");
+#        MailFieldNames = ("userPrincipalName","mail");

then you add a line below

MailFieldNames = ("userPrincipalName");

same in the group definition line 101

-         MailFieldNames = ("userPrincipalName","mail");
+#        MailFieldNames = ("userPrincipalName","mail");

then you add a line below

MailFieldNames = ("userPrincipalName");


signal-event nethserver-sogo-update

PS : don’t add ‘-’ or ‘+’ in your configuration file :slight_smile:

Just to document what I found, it is following this link. The ‘mail’ microsoft active directory field exists, maybe this can make some noise with sogo.

Reading the list of pointers you gave, this field is not used until a microsoft exchange server is running on the system if I can resume.

Sorry but my window skill is zero and I don’t want to grow it too hight :slight_smile:

Sorry, l’m out fot a view days. 2 colleags ill, 1 one on holiday. Hope to have some time again end of the week.

Yes, you are partially right!

This field is used only for information.
This field does not affect the user account.

If I understand well, @asl want to set the default email address of the user through RSAT. This is possible only if you have an Exchange server in your domain, or with a “connector”, as I exemplified, to add special fields to be able to set the default email address for the user.

I have installed today the Exchange 2010 Management Tools.
The installation was well but when I run the tool, the message was that there is no Exchange server on my domain.

I run a 2012R2 server and installed the tools AD management Service tools:

Then you can use AD as you would do in a Windows Domain. As far as I could test this works perfect from both sides. If you update the user in MS AD the change will be reflected on NS user and vice versa. The only thing I found, that if you use the field E-Mail: on AD general page (Default Mailaddress in Sogo 3.2 can't be set) then we have the side effect with sogo default mail address…

It is not my goal to set Sogo default mail address through RSAT! And there is no exchange server here! The point is, that sogo should not look at this field at all (so I can set it in AD for information purpose e.g. this is what many Admins do).

Strange, indeed!
I think that field should not have such effect.

Sorry for misunderstanding.
I didn’t say that you want to set Sogo default mail address through RSAT, I thought that you want to set the default mail address for the user through RSAT, when you create or modify a domain user properties. As I said, when I used AXIGEN, I used this feature. In this mode, you can set everything from a single place.

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I see. We all agree that this field should not have such effect this is important.

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I’m not sure but these maybe can help (related with @stephdl “link/list”):

yes I asked it please @asl

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first I can tell you, that the filed name in LDAP Broswer is called Email. I can click on this field and a page with detail information is opened. But on that view the field is called mail only.

Next I changed lines 84 and 101 as requested to see if this will still block me to set my default email in sogo when LDAP field “mail” is set to same email I try to use as default in Sogo. Result:
I can set my email now.

Next I changed lines 84 and 101 back to original to see if the old effect is back again. Result:
Can not reproduce it any more - problem gone!? Hm, that makes me worrying a bit, this is now what I was hoping to see.

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well sogo save the users setting the first time in its mysql database, so it means that you should do it with another user in sogo/NS/Window

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tested with a new user, but not reproducable anymore. Working! Maybe @flatspin can still reproduce it?
Did you see something in your code that was giving you a clue that what I had found is possible and reasonable?