CentOS 6.8 is out, updates are available

Broth @fasttech … May be …


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Hi @fasttech,

First, as the title of this post said, it’s about CentOS 6.8 not about NethServer 6.8 beta1.

Unfortunately from Software center cannot be made upgrade to the newer version of NS, but only for CentOS. Also from here can be made updates for current version of NS.

(There are some discutions about upgrade from Software center on this forum. One of them:
Which way do you prefer for the upgrade to 6.7? )

To upgrade NS 6.7 final to NS 6.8beta1, you must follow the procedure as @apradoc said, from here:

NethServer 6.8 beta1 Released!

or from here:


Generally, if you want to upgrade NS to a newer version, you must follow the procedure described in the announcements for a new version, or from


After the upgrade to the newer version of NS, the updates for that version will be available from Software center.



Ahhh… @GG_jr I saw this;
Jun 03 12:53:43 Updated: centos-release-6-8.el6.centos.12.3.x86_64
…amongst the huge update and mis-assumed, thanks to your post I’m clear now on what’s what now, thank you.


You’re welcome!

I’m glad when I can help!

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Some minor things about NethServer 6.8 beta1 (and 6.7) that might be improved. Excuse me if some of them have been reported already, or if there is any wrong assumption from my side.

Note this was just for testing and breaking things on a VM while gathering information for wiki userguides.

NethServer 6.7

Configuration → Windows Network

  • takes 16 first characters from domain name (shouldn’t be 15, as the 16th is reserved?)

  • Workgroup, Domain and Realm input fields do not validate input data (case-type, length, allowed characters…) from the client-side.

    • server-side validator does limit it to 63.
  • Not able to guess the meaning of some error messages:

NethServer 6.8 beta1

( ^ some of the errors also happen on 6.7)

First Config Wizard ^

  • Hostname and Domain input fields do not pre-validate input data (allowed characters, length…) from the client-side. This also happens with other Nethgui’s input fields.
    • Validation is done only from the server-side (which is what really matters after all).
    • Validator limits them to 63 characters. OK for hostname (system name) and domain labels, but a DNS domain name can be longer, and can have a TLD suffix.
  • When an error occurs and a red warning banner is shown, the title for the next section is highlighted on the left-column.
  • Also, some error messages are not very helpful (i.e. hostname > 63)

  • No support for punycode/IDN domain names (reported already)

Ports assignment ^

Jun 11 18:25:30 localhost sshd[2108]: error: Bind to port 980 on failed: Address already in use.
Jun 11 18:25:30 localhost sshd[2108]: fatal: Cannot bind any address.

Administration → Software center ^

  • After installing a module the menu entries are not shown on the sidebar until the page is refreshed manually or any other menu is accessed.
  • After removing a module the related menu entries are still shown on the sidebar until the page is refreshed manually or any other menu is accessed.

Configuration → Server name

  • exit status 256 error when setting a long hostname + domain name. Then it is not shown correctly in the Nethgui header (root’s profile menu), instead php gethostname() gets the old name (or none after a reboot), but it’s properly set on /etc/hosts and /etc/sysconfig/network

from /var/log/messages:

Jun 12 17:25:49 123456781012345678201234567830 /sbin/e-smith/db[7041]: /var/lib/nethserver/db/>configuration: OLD DomainName=a23000001012345678201234567830.co
Jun 12 17:25:49 123456781012345678201234567830 /sbin/e-smith/db[7041]: /var/lib/nethserver/db/configuration: NEW DomainName=a23000001012345678201234567830.com
Jun 12 17:25:50 123456781012345678201234567830 esmith::event[7046]: Event: hostname-modify
Jun 12 17:25:50 123456781012345678201234567830 esmith::event[7046]: hostname: name too long
Jun 12 17:25:50 123456781012345678201234567830 esmith::event[7046]: Action: /etc/e-smith/events/hostname-modify/S02interface-config-hostname FAILED: 1 [0.05714]

As the log reports, the name is too long. I think this happens when hostname.domain combined surpasses the 64 characters enforced by the HOST_NAME_MAX linux variable:

# getconf HOST_NAME_MAX

when the hostname command is called from:

# tail -n 1 /etc/e-smith/events/hostname-modify/S02interface-config-hostname
/bin/hostname ${system_name:-localhost}.${domain_name:-localdomain}

Dashboard ^

  • Boxes: long text can overflow its container.

Hi @dnutan

My brother @yondergb, he wondered why not visualizing the direct access to some modules installed. He also told me about ads warning when installing about YUM CACHE. I thought that it was problems of connection to the Internet. Sometimes have interruptions.

This complete analysis warns us so that we stay safe with Nethserver 6.7 to clarify these points.

Thank you very much.

I would like collect all these improvements and implement the modifications on NS 7.
If possible, eventually cherry-pick the commits for NS 6.

Yes, you’re right.

@davidep can we add this improvement for NS 7?

I totally agree!
Please, make some suggestions and we will change the default labels! :thumbsup:

We already did some improvements on this on NS 7.

@Alessia already noted this bug, but I have no idea how to fix it. @davidep any hint?

Could be done but we need to write a little code.
Can someone want to try it? :pray:

Both points are difficult to fix with the current framework.

This should be aesthetic, restarting smswingsd daemon should fix the problem.

This is CSS voodoo, this is work for Alessia :wink:


I think we’ll not need this improvements on NS 7 because the whole “Windows network” page is going to be removed!

The supported Samba server roles in NS7 are ADS and WORKSTATION, and are controlled by nethserver-sssd setup. There’s no need to validate user’s input because realmd infers the correct values from the DNS setup.

Thanks @dnutan this is probably a bug in the First Configuration Wizard! I’m surprised it comes out now and nobody noticed it before :ok_hand: Maybe few people hit the validators and fewer notice the wrong highlight on the left column :smile:


@dnutan and @giacomo I try to fix the problem of panels alignment, but -I’m sorry!- because of technical structure rules I think it’s impossible to solve it with only CSS :frowning2:
However I’ll still try to find a solution.

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ISO is out, but we need to wait until Monday for the official announcement :slight_smile:


Would you look at that, and here I thought I was going to have to go through all the rigmarole from the previous post and was trying to set aside a block of time to do so.

See, my bad, I was under the ‘assumption’, that like many Zentyal major releases, that there would be no direct upgrade from 6.7 - 6.8 from the Software Center, that there would be a minor bit of cli fu involved to upgrade.

Will try to remember it.

I did notice before, as other surely have as well, but being just aesthetic it has been forgotten.

No worries, is not a big problem, but would make user feel the UI is more polished.
Sorry, I didn’t look at the code but maybe some jquery selectors should come into play.

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@Alessia, did you try with

overflow: hidden

Could it work for you?


Sorry about the jquery stuff, I wanted to refer to the FirstConfigWiz but got confused.

About the dashboard panels overflow: hidden or auto work, as does overflow-wrap property. The latter wont hide content, but might cause some panels to be vertically resized in order to make room for the wrapped text.

I guess it could be applied to SystemStatus.php file:

To support older browsers maybe it’s better to use something along the lines of:

div.dashboard-item {overflow:hidden;}
span.TextLabel {word-wrap:break-word;}

if it does not clash with other rules.


What do you mean with “older browsers”?

Do we still need to support them?

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My bad. I was generalizing while thinking of old versions of IE and Safari which use(d) to cause troubles. No real test made :sweat:.

Since your question I’ve done a bit of research:

  • overflow-wrap was introduced around late 2011
  • CSS3 specs say word-wrap is kept for legacy reasons as an alias of overflow-wrap, but recommends the latter

Tried it on IE11 and Firefox 47, which are not so old, and they don’t support overflow-wrap. Firefox support introduced as of v.49

After reading different sources (caniuse, quirksmode, wikipedia, and some others) my conclusion (as a non-web-developer) is that we should use both properties:

div.dashboard-item {word-wrap: break-word; overflow-wrap: break-word;}

css-tricks has some more information on it.


11 posts were split to a new topic: No mirrors for “centos-base” and for “centos-updates” repositories

I’m sorry @dnutan. The problem I refer is over a table alignment (with regular rows and columns space) of panels in dashboard, a request that I was sure I read in a post - well, now I don’t find it, yehy!
In any case your research is essential and I integrate your CSS code in workspace.
Thank you very much!!:slight_smile:


Fixes for First Configuration Wizard on v7 beta1 working perfectly!

P.S. accidentally hit the nethserver logo and the wizard was bypassed (without using the skip URI parameter).