Which way do you prefer for the upgrade to 6.7?

The final release is almost ready, but i was wondering: which way do you prefer for the upgrade?

Scenario 1
Manual upgrade from shell:

 yum localinstall http://mirror.nethserver.org/nethserver/nethserver-release-6.7.rpm
 yum clean all && yum update 

Scenario 2
Manual upgrade from Software Center.
To make this happen we have to release nethserver-release-6.7.rpm inside the nethserver-updates repository for 6.6.
This will make NethServer a real rolling release distro :wink:

So, what is youā€™re vote?



The scenario 2 seem very niceā€¦

We have a Webguiā€¦ Letā€™s use it :ok_hand:

I agree: Scenario 2

Scenario 2

Scenario 2

scenario 1
I need to see in RT whatā€™s going on and if there are error messagesā€¦

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Scenario 2
is propably the most comon way the users will chose.

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I want point out the Software Center requires two steps to perform the system upgrade:

  • 1st UPDATE: new configuration for YUM is applied
  • 2nd UPDATE: new packages from 6.7 are installed
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When I did scenario 1, my NS crashedā€¦ lost my both my cardsā€¦ Had to download 6.7 and reinstall from scratch. I dont know if anyone had the same problemā€¦ so scenario :wink: 2 for meā€¦

scenario 2 is just scenario 1 driven by the web UIā€¦

so, while in the first case youā€™ll see in RT an issue, in the second youā€™ve to wait for ui feedback

Which is almost real time :wink:

but via CLI I can open as many shell I need and take a look at many things in the same timeā€¦

[quote=ā€œzamboni, post:10, topic:1838ā€]
scenario 2 is just scenario 1 driven by the web UIā€¦
[/quote]Very trueā€¦ but if there are errors it doesnt give you the impression you typed something wrongā€¦

Just a Friday-before-weekend-silly-thought: what about redirecting all request to 6.6/nethserver-updates repository straight to 6.7/nethserver-base?

This way, the updates from 6.6 to 6.7 will be just a matter of click from the GUI!

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Nice idea, but someone could forget to update nethserver-firewall to the latest on 6.6

This is not good! :wink:


Can you do this with one click from Software center (is it possible to write/make something behind the update button)?

Yes, if we follow @giacomoā€™s idea only one click on UPDATE button is required.

But with that method someone could skip the nethserver-firewall update which is required to avoid the firewall UI disappearing.

I understand that.
Sorry. I think I didnā€™t was very clear, or maybe is a stupid question.
Is it possible to write/make something behind the update button to do the two steps, automatically, one by one, as you described, after you clicked the button?

I made update from Zentyal 4.0 to 4.1 with one click on the update button and I think that the first step was to check if the 4.0 is updated.

It could be a ā€œdifferentā€ kind of button and this way it will not be like the normal update.
This button can be ā€œretreivedā€ via normal update. For example when you update the software center it gets itā€™s status.
When we have a ā€œdistro upgradeā€ script added as package the button appears

When ā€œclickedā€ it will run a script to perform all the updates.

I think this was the way that Zential had the update button.

1 normal updates add the ā€œdistro-update-scriptā€ to the system
2 when this script is found or added, the UI presents the user with a ā€œNS 6.X availableā€ button
3 the script runs all the update / upgrades required

What do you think ?


Of course itā€™s possible but it would require another cycle of design develop test and release. I wouldnā€™t do it.

Someone noticed in another thread we are missing upstream updates since August!

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