NethServer Version: 7.8
Module: backup-data
As I posted in a different topic, I’m having a strange performance issue with my weekly full data backup job this week. The backup kicks off at 01.00 Sunday, and in past weeks, has finished around 14.00-15.00 that same day (taking 13-14 hours). The backup that started this past Sunday is still running (so over 60 hours so far), and is only about 60% complete. I’m puzzled, because I haven’t changed anything at all on the server, and I’ve upgraded my home Internet connection–I’d expect the backup should be faster, not slower.
The backup job is an old-fashioned Duplicity job, configured in the old server-manager before Cockpit or multiple backups were a thing. It’s backing up over NFS to my FreeNAS box. My Neth server is in a Contabo VPS; that system has an OpenVPN connection to my home network. My Internet connection had been 150 Mbps down/20 up; last week I upgraded it to 500 down/40 up. I am getting the advertised performance out of this connection as well.
A few days ago, I set up a second backup job using Restic to DigitalOcean Spaces (which I’m already using for uploads and backups of my Discourse fora). That seems to work pretty nicely, but it doesn’t look like I can set up two Restic jobs, one to DO and the other to my FreeNAS. From the manual:
…which makes it sound like I can’t have two backup jobs with the same engine to different destinations.
So, what to do here? I’m open to troubleshooting this backup, or to just defining a new job with a different engine, but “don’t bother keeping a backup on the FreeNAS box” isn’t an acceptable option.