Add a disk to my Nethserver

NethServer Version: 7.7.1908

Hi I have now install NethServer and was thinking add some disk to the system.
But I have one question and that is that any easy way to do that in the web GUI or do I have to do it in the terminal?

I have find so I can create a partition in the GUI so the disk have
xfs filesystem

But I have no mounting point.
I maybe have to do that in terminal but before I do that I have to ask if that is any simple way to do that in the GUI.

I going later add more disk and want it to auto mount when I have to reboot the server,

I think I have found it when I create a partition.

Hey @cazz

From Cockpit you can go to System -> Storage -> and then have the menus presented there and can specify all of the items you suggested above.

Take a read on NethServer docs on which mountpoint you have to use to make the disk available as share or as a part of nethserver setup.
Also… Think twice. Maybe is better put directly the bigger disk.

A little experience of my way to upgrade NethServer to a bigger disk.

Thanks for the replay
I did find how to do it :slight_smile: