Once again I’m super excited to announce NethServer presence at Nethesis Partner Meeting, the annual conference where Nethesis is used to present products based on NethServer Enterprise.
The event will be held on Sep 30th in Cesenatico, Italy
- We’ll have a booth where I’ll bring NethServer swag and stuff to make the booth look nice, so we have a place to gather and meet potential new members or familiar faces, our great member @syntaxerrormmm (with his BGLuG group) will oversee the booth with me and other Nethserver guys.
- I’m going to hold a talk of 40 mins about our community too
- It may be an awesome opportunity to chat with @giacomo @Stll0 @filippo_carletti @davidep @nrauso @alep @edoardo_spadoni
If you want to attend, please drop a line to me!
I’m sorry, but official language for the event is Italian, it would be hard to attend for not Italian folks
I count on all of you to bring a smile and a few minutes to discuss NethServer!!!
Take a look at this post from last year
and my talk