I started some experiments with RPM builds, yesterday. I’d like to reach a v7-alpha1 release very quickly.
My goal for the alpha1 release is having the whole nethserver-iso RPM group available, that means
Events & template system
Server Manager
Basic networking (with lokkit?)
I’d like minimising code changes, to keep 7 almost equal to 6.6. However some things require an adjustment due to the underlying system changes. On CentOS 7
upstart was replaced by systemd
RPM conflicts on directories raise errors
So I’m thinking about reviewing .spec files and applying some changes to nethserver-lib, to support systemd.
The ISO is almost completed, and Server Manager seems regular. Now, to move to the next step, I ought to push all RPMs in YUM repos, so anybody can test them one by one.
Additional packages can be installed from the Software Center, but they’ll likely not work.
The next goal is having every service (ahem, at least …80% of them) up and running, fixing RPM dirs ownership. In the next weeks I’ll fix them one by one, stay tuned!