Where are the shared folders in Sogo?

NethServer Version: NethServer release 7.3.1611 (Final)
Sogo: 3.2.6a

I have set up a shared folder and can see/use it via Thunderbird imap connection. My idea was, that in Sogo it will be displayed automatically, if the Sogo user is part of the group the shared folder was joined to.

Am I missing something?

I think you need to enable shared mailboxes

I was reading this and doing it before my post already. Must be something else.

I have same problem. Contact Sharing Works, but not the email

NethServer Version: 7.3.1611 (Final)
Module: Shared Mailbox
Set up a shared mailbox under Management>Email Addresses>Shared Mailboxes.
Open Roundcube Mailweb client, go to Settings>Folders>(subscribe the folder by checking it).

After doing so, you can access the folder via Outlook, and Mozilla Thunderbird. (inside Public Folder)
On SOGo, click on the Shared Folder icon, it should open to reveal the shared mailbox.


Thanks for sharing this @Izoo_M and welcome to NethServer!

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I can confirm that it’s now working on of both of my 2 servers. Before it did not, but now my nethservers are updated with the latest patches! Very well - on problem less :grinning:

It works!! The problem in my case was that to expand the shared folder you need to click on the icon and not the folder name

Thank you


Perfect, but if you use the sharing of sogo where folders appear ?

Do you have any idea why functions?

Could you explain your issue? Is it related to the @asl’s one?

first define some shared folders in Nethserver Web-Administration. Then in sogo click on ‘shared folders’. But not on the the text itself! You need to click on the icon on the left side next to the text! Hope that works.

what it says @asl works, I say it does not work folder sharing between users sogo, the shares created with Web-Adminstrator Nethserver work.
Sorry for my bad Inglese

Don’t worry your English is welcomed here :slight_smile: I just needed to clarify your statement

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