Our mission is building the BEST distribution for servers, designed primarily for small offices and medium-size enterprise, changing the world for system administrators because we believe simplicity can still be powerful. NethServer is not just an OS, it’s an idea, a vision. If you have the same aim and the same goal, join us.
That’s right! I join this vision, and I’m sure NethServer is in that direction, towards the future.
A post was split to a new topic: Amaze how this community communicate to each other
Times ago I tried to write our mission, many things are changed since then, so now I’m asking you a hand to elaborate a new Mission for our project.
I wouldn’t like to speak about “what NethServer is” but “Why NethServer”. Why we’re here? Pointing out what makes NethServer special or different.
Why a Mission statement is important? A mission helps to build the passion and people will want to join talk it up and the community will grow.
Get people passionate about what we are passionate about as a community. So we need to Focus on the Why (Simon Sinek…that’s critical)
Just an example:
We believe that people shouldn’t get lost in complex configurations. We believe simplicity can still be powerful. We believe you have the right to an alternative to the existing solutions: modular, easy, all-in-one.
We want to change the world for system administrators.
the response: "Heck yes! Where do I join?
Any thoughts?
Totally agree,
It’s help keep focus on the objective,
It’s help give priority on all users request.
It’s avoid our ressources to be delued
###The Philosophy of the software
It is good to revolve around this idea without being totally subjective.
Can cook the idea
Edit: Great, Inspirer. Thanks for sharing brother
Then … Why Nethserver?