Welcome to NethServer Community

HI all
I have been putting Nethserver like machines for almost 20 years. This year with my favourite distro looking decidedly old and seeing all the sensible and useful things been done here I thought i would jump on baord.
Not to put to fine a point on it I am coming in hot. Over the next week or so I am doing a full Windows SBS 2008 to Nethserver migration for a small association.
It is a while since I had to deal with that rubbish but I am sure that I will remember all the gotchas. But only after the face palm moment of course.
If anyone is interested I can document this for any other poor sod wresting control from an Exchange and Domain controler.


Hi @robert11 your name sounds pretty nice :wink:
Yes I’m really interested in a document that deal: analysis, planning, migration (pre and post) fine tuning from SBS 2008 to NethServer. In these days I thought a something such what you are going to do and to document it for the community.
Unfortunately at the moment I don’t have any SBS to dismiss but if you need some help don’t hesitate to ask.

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Hi @medworthy good presentation thank you.
Could you be so kind to write a small post when you answer to these questions:

  1. How have you planned the migration from your old server (openSuse) to NethServer?
  2. Which has been your module migration order?
  3. What did you have to fix after the migration?
  4. Globally, what benefits as well as difficulties have you found along your way?

I think that there are many people, inside and outside this communiy, interested in what you have done with NethServer.

Please, help us! :smile:

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Hi @AZChas welcome aboard!
Please let us know how your Zentyal to NethServer migration will go, OK?

Hi everyone

I’m Vasco from Portugal
My job is not related with tecnologies, I’m a home user
Former Zentyal user.
An active community

Welcome among us man! Happy to meet people from Brazil :wink:

I do want install smoothly Joomla on NethServer, do you want help us to install it with a few steps? Trying to install Joomla on NethServer

Ehi Vasco! Welcome on this community, do you want to help us with Portugues translation?

@marceloeng could lend you a hand :wink:

Feel free to add your proposals from home user point of view



Where can I get the files?

Take a glance at this


I will see how it works

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Happy Monday NethServer family!

Hope your weekends were all filled with sunshine and dandelions and chocolate unicorns.
At the start of every week, we welcome our new members to this wonderful group of ours.
If you’re new here please take a minute to read through How can I start? paragraph over at the top of this page

Finally, and most importantly, please comment below with who you are, where you are from and what you’re working on, what brings you to NethServer and what do you expect to find here.
If you’ve been here a while, you know what to do.

Welcome to NethServer community, please introduce yourselves
@Richard @vhinzsanchez @ormuzd @wide @hempelr @UncleDan @panoptiq @jessetn @stalker @jospoortvliet @txneo @salvatore_pignatelli @nightrideruk @fausp @ulrik13 @ramjimh @Pablo_Barbecho @willaraujo @thenodemaster @Pasquini

Hi @alefattorini,

Well, as requested, here is a little from me. Although not from IT (actually was a finance director for a major oil company), I am now running my own company and am not satisfied with hosted email / web solutions. Hence I run my own VPS’s which give me more control and most importantly, more options to run what I like / need. For email, they tend to limit the users and/or disk quota on ridiculous levels, compared what a VPS costs. And no multiple domains.

Hence my interest in good control panels. Use webmin on my production server now, but would not mind going to nethserver as what I have seen now. Tried zentyal, but got me confused. Looks good, but did not get the server to work as I could from CLI or Webmin… And that surprised me.

Nethserver so far looks good. Now trying to install some additional components, like owncloud and other stuff. My webserver is on a different VPS, running Wordpress, and would like to keep it that way for now.

Oh yeah, I am from The Netherlands… Think that’s about it! :smile:


Thank you for the warm welcome. I appreciate the active healthy community. I have the tendency to just watch/read community post but do pitch in my .02 cents once in a while if I can…and I also ask for help at times when hitting the wall.

Philippine-based IT person with over 10years experience here on mostly MS Windows environment. I had few linux experiences but not that extensive. Have deployed Untangle, ClearOS, Zentyal and pfSense in my employments. Like a number of people here, I did liked Zentyal because of its (previous) vast feature-set but the recent direction seems to focus on being an SBS/Exchange-replacement (as they always banner it).

In my knowledge in linux are mostly Ubuntu-based.

Presently, we have we have 2 Zimbra servers which are running w/o backup (nor configured for high-availability/replication). Needless to say, we are running dangerously an old Zimbra (7.1.3) on OS which is reaching/has reached EOL (Ubuntu 10.04) 500 GB and 175 GB consecutively.

I am thankful I did find NethServer and it seems promising. I will be testing it soon (tomorrow perhaps…a few hours from now).

I would like to ask if collaboration feature (SOGo) supports such large data-store and mailbox (the largest presently is 30GB). Additionally, does the backup feature effectively backs-up (and restores) SQL, mailboxes, LDAP, etc.

On other fronts, I hope it will be easy to configure VLAN (with inter-VLAN-routing), VPN (openVPN and IPSEC), Proxy (transparent with HTTPS filtering…not available in other UTMs easily).





My name is Frank and I live in Austria, I work with SME-Server since
2004, I like to learn more about nethserver’s potential…

At the moment I have some projects, I will come back in a few weeks.

regards to the community

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Hi @Richard, @vhinzsanchez, @fausp and welcome on board!

Feel free to ask support or post consideration on your exploration of Nethserver functionality… I’m sure that you will find here support and people ready to hear you.

See you soon :smile:

Thanks @etino, I am still testing it (mostly the SOGo module) and initial impression seems positively good. Hoping to implement this in place of Zimbra and implement a backup/failover server.

And as earlier posted, I’m also keen on the network modules to control bandwidth.

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Hey guys, thanks for the warm welcome, I’m in charge of the IT department in a technology company of Guatemala, as part of my job, I have to evaluate the systems to implement, in my experience I can say that I have worked with several systems, such as Zentyal, Ubuntu Server, CentOS, etc. And for the same reason I have been evaluating NethServer, in the days that I’ve tried it I have seen the potential and the variety of modules that it have and I liked the very active community behind this great project.



Happy to hear this, please help us to to make this community better and better.
For your point of view, why NethServer in place of Zentyal, Ubuntu Server, CentOS, etc ?

Hi Frank, take a look at this NethServer and SME Server – NethServer
Smart people here know NethServer pretty well, so they could help you, looking at you @stephdl @zamboni :slight_smile:

That’s amazing! Thanks for showing up, we need your help :wink:

I do want a comparison with ClearOS and pfSense, do you want to write down something?

@davide_marini and @filippo_carletti are your men :smiley: test them and let us know!