Webconsole for NS8 app containers

Guys calm down

@LayLow you can suggest any features, but you can’t pretend that some

There is a committee Devs and PM decide which features should go into the new versions and community has a big role into that.

Some time ago I wrote something about and things didn’t change
The point is that suggesting it isn’t enough:

  • You need to explain why it is absolutely necessary.
  • Outline useful scenarios, and if you have clients using it, explain how they do so.
  • You need to convince as many people as possible that it is the best choice.
  • It must fit into the roadmap and the vision the developers have for the product.
  • It needs to be evaluated in terms of how it impacts the codebase.

But we can talk about that, as I wrote above.
We should consider and take into account all points of views and needs.