Webconsole for NS8 app containers

Ah, Guys, this has escalated really far too fast.
Lets all calm Down. I had made the request intially for some sort of a web console, because i saw the need for it, in good measure.

I even explained the reasoning behind this request, Especially for a slightly larger org with multiple users than need to do some $hit

I do have the Cabality of getting this implemented, however i lack the resources to achieve it.
Since other members in the community dont see or feel he need for it, Wehn resources become available on our end, i would figure out how to acheive this, for the usecases i pointed in the previous post.

LEts be Nice to one another


@LayLow @Andy_Wismer @oneitonitram

Hey! So this guy walks in to a bar… I love you guys!!! :laughing:

I do have to say that I have said or asked the same request something much like @oneitonitram said above. It’s not because I can’t use ssh, but it does help in quckier results for larger facilities.

But like you said @Andy_Wismer I was told that not what they are working on right now. So I am still doing the ssh.

I don’t see a problem with @LayLow asking questions or requesting things.
No worries. I believe somewhere in the forums they explained not adding copilot or web console at one time. @Andy_Wismer I would have probably have looked for it and sent it to @LayLow. That probably would have worked better. Less drama… and none of my guy walks in to a bar jokes either. :rofl:

Hope you guys have super awesome day!



Guys calm down

@LayLow you can suggest any features, but you can’t pretend that some

There is a committee Devs and PM decide which features should go into the new versions and community has a big role into that.

Some time ago I wrote something about and things didn’t change
The point is that suggesting it isn’t enough:

  • You need to explain why it is absolutely necessary.
  • Outline useful scenarios, and if you have clients using it, explain how they do so.
  • You need to convince as many people as possible that it is the best choice.
  • It must fit into the roadmap and the vision the developers have for the product.
  • It needs to be evaluated in terms of how it impacts the codebase.

But we can talk about that, as I wrote above.
We should consider and take into account all points of views and needs.