Uptime Kuma On Nethserver

I came across a nice self hosted an Open source Uptime monitoring tool. similar to Uptime Robot

The Project is called Uptime Kuma
The developer was motivated by the fact that most available options are not self hostable or open source
The Github Repo is Availbale here

Here is install Instructions for the same.


Setup DNS A record to your sever


Request a Letsencrypt cert

Ensure that the domains are resolvable via DNS to get a certificate for them.

Install docker, enable portainer and update the system:

yum -y install nethserver-docker
config setprop docker enableRepository enabled
config setprop portainer status enabled
signal-event nethserver-docker-update
yum -y update

Get Uptime-kuma docker files

mkdir opt/uptime-kuma
cd opt/uptime-kuma

docker volume create uptime-kuma
docker run -d --restart=always -p 4381:3001 -v /opt/uptime-kuma:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma

config setprop uptime-kuma status enabled TCPPort 4381 access green,red
signal-event firewall-adjust
docker network connect aqua uptime-kuma

Add a reverse proxies from
to http://localhost:4381 and enable all advanced options:

Update Procedure

docker pull louislam/uptime-kuma:1
docker stop uptime-kuma
docker rm uptime-kuma
docker run -d --restart=always -p 4381:3001 -v /opt/uptime-kuma:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1

First login

Wait a few minutes and browse to https://uptime.domain.tld create your username and password

You Are All set.

Tons of Notification options including ‘Telegram’ , ‘webhook’ and even ‘matrix’

You can even define your own public facing status page


Thats pretty cool, but i have my concerns about letsencrypt… i don´t know why, but i had some issues with NSDC and letsencrypt in a server…

what concerns and issues do you have, or are you facing?

Need to check that again! I remember i solved by just removing letsencrypt from the server… made no diference, anyway, i will try this out!

I wouldn’t think you should need this; anyone who would be viewing the uptime page would be using the reverse proxy you set up. Sounds like a neat tool.

Edit: Also wondering about why these are there:

Sure, Portainer makes it easier to manage your Docker containers, but it it actually needed (or even used) here?

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well my first time setting up any docker install on my own, there is room to learn and improve. correct the wiki if you feel there is an issue.

Yap, its very nifty, i setup with telegram and it works nicely. want to try creating zamamd tickets for down services using webhooks…

Uptimerobot… Rocks.
And FWIW, I’d love to test soon Uptime Kuma.
Hoping that Nethesis could integrate into the packages.

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Maybe in v9. and hopefully load balanced accross the nodes

Hi, what would be the process of updating this application.
there is a nw version with function i require.

Release 1.13.1 · louislam/uptime-kuma (github.com)

Support for multiple status pages…

Follow your own instructions again, I’d expect–particularly the docker run step. Assuming they’ve published an updated Docker container.

so basically.

cd opt/uptime-kuma
docker run -d --restart=always -p 4381:3001 -v /opt/uptime-kuma:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma

Edit. updated above.