then I went back to the gui software center where the update to 7.0.5 was available but using that failed because I didn’t install the key, back to shell;
run yum update, that installs the key and then, still in shell, type y to allow update to 7.0.5.
Return to gui software center, no update available, good as expected, switch over to owncloud gui, which I already had open and was logged into;
hit f5, the page refresh starts the update, updates runs fine and owncloud seems to work fine, now on 7.0.5.
I don’t know what your process is for QA.
Obviously I’ve already added the repo for V7 and verified it works but I’m not clear on your expected process for QA.
I believe I’ve already done both your tests, but I’m not sure.
Additionally, I will point out that #4 should be a fail because there should always be a msg for the availability of v8, actually 8.0.2 right now, on any admin login.
Here you can find docs about the development process.
Create an account, follow the test case wrote by developer and sign the feature as verified if it works correctly.
We have suppressed the update info message, because when a nethserver-owncloud update is available it is automatically updated.
Manual update via updater app is disabled: new version of nethserver-owncloud means that someone have tested it to work correctly.
I’ve added the command to install/update nethserver-owncloud directly in the feature page.
Packages to be installed are those of NethServer.
@alessandro_polidori I’ve run test 1 against a fresh install after a system update and reboot, and tested functionality; login, user creation, calendar, ios app access, found no error msgs with cat - var… messages… pipe…grep errors…, though there are the owncloud log warnings for ldap, I see you have indeed apparently suppressed the v8 msg, but I wonder, why not suppress the php version complaint?
Regarding test 2, should it be a fresh general user install with owncloud installed from the software center, which would be 7.0.4, then run the repo… neth testing… update owncloud? I guess that makes the most sense since that correlates with what folks are running out there.
I haven’t created an account on the dev.nethserver site yet, will do that after finished with qa I guess, trying to fit this in with other responsibilities, usually I just roll my own, not used to dev way of doing things.
Can you paste it here ?
Have you had some problem with ldap ?
At 7.0.4 time, I didn’t find a way to remove the php warning message. IMHO is not very important because only the administrator should see the message. However, have you found a method to do it ?
Actually, those warnings were for another instance, there were no errors or warnings in var/log/messages or the owncloud logs during the test sessions.
I have not looked into suppressing the php msg, as you say, it’s not a big deal.