I have already compiling and installing Netatalk 3.1.7
Configuring shorewall to open few ports (548, 5354 )
From my Mac, I 'am able to see the microserver but not able to connect to it yet.
I think that Netatalk must be more finely tuned.
I must look deeper in the AFP and ACL.
I see dbus message in logs too
It’s seem that there’s little divergencess between the Netatalk documentation and other information on the web like this one:
There’s diferences between ports number (5353 /5354)
And perhaps more service to install like nsswitch.
So there’s investiguations to do for me yet.
For now, it’s the hard way, but I hope win this battle and in the future, to be able to make a netserver module to do tis the soft way… A Nethserver OS X friendly module
Thank you to remember me about Avahi daemon…
Is this one I`ve talked about when I said netatalk must be more fined tuned in one side.
To define what and how to anounce, on the network.
In the other side, there’s AFP, with the afpd.conf.
To define the resource to share, and how to access if I`m well understand
hey how did you know that he is not alone? how did you know that i’m testing the same thing? are you spying us?
@Jim i’ve made the same tests, but on a vm with a “relaxed” shorewall config (all open)
i’ve installed also avahi and dbus-python and it work to me
in addition to firewall’s change i’ve only configured /etc/netatalk/afp.conf
as explained on links you posted
hope to test your netatalk contrib soon
ah… i’ve seen a nethserver-avahi package… it’s not installed by default, you could take a look to it…
The volumes netatalk will make available are defined in /etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default. Add the line below to /etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default to create the AFP time machine share, commenting out all other lines.
The first parameter specifies the location of the shared volume, while the second specifies the name. The Time Machine uses a CNID database to reference files on the shared volume. By default, this database will be located in the root directory of the shared volume. The size of the shared volume reported to time machine is set using the volsizelimit parameter. The size is given in MiB. Set this parameter to less than the full size of the disk to reserve space for the database. (If the database can’t be written to or is corrupted, the entire Time Machine repository may be lost) The allow and rwlist parameters specify which users can access and write to the time machine. Either specify a user name directly, or just use @timemachine to allow access for users in the timemachine group. Reference the AppleVolumes.default man page for further information on options.
Configure netatalk by adding the line below to /etc/netatalk/afpd.conf.
you should type your MAC addres for Service , and it is not a config from NS, dig the mans , I only give your examples. Only you need to know that avahi need services for translation.